
You Can Build a Flagstone Patio

For six years we dreamed of a beautiful Flagstone Patio where we could sit back and enjoy the beautiful landscape we had created. It was an essential piece of our Master Plan. We landscaped all around the spot where it would be, leaving it a blank canvas to be painted when our budget could afford it. We covered it with mulch and referred to it as our Someday Patio.

Ideally this feature would have gone in before the grass and flowers and trees. But sometimes you have to pick and choose your projects according to your budget. So we waited...

And then someday became a reality...

Our Someday Patio... finally a dream come true!

It was a labor of love working side by side with my dear husband and children. We designed the plan and then worked together to bring our plan to life. And now we enjoy the fruits of our labor!

Yes, I touched everyone of those stones... more than once!

It was like putting together a giant puzzle... stone by stone.

Follow the links below and we'll share how we created this beautiful patio by ourselves... if we can do this, surely you can too!

 DIY Flagstone Patio Part One: Preparing the Foundation

 DIY Flagstone Patio Part Two: A Giant Puzzle... Laying the Stone

 DIY Flagstone Patio Part Three: Filling in the Gaps

 DIY Flagstone Patio Part Four:A Surprise Finish!


  1. Hi Carolyn - I posted about your patio yesterday. Take a look.


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