
The Keeper of These Gardens

I am the mother of eight amazing children

and grandmother to eighteen adorable grandchildren.

I delight in "good kids", 

cooking delicious food

and long walks with my honey... but my passion is gardening!

Of all the gardens that we have created, this is my favorite spot,

completed in the summer of 2009. 

It was a labor of love

working side by side with my dear husband and children.

We designed the plan and then worked together to bring our plan to life.

And now we enjoy the fruits of our labor.

♥ ♥ ♥ 

Sitting here in the early morning hour is surely a treat to the soul:

sweet birds singing their welcome song to the new day

and an occasional butterfly gracefully granting its presence,

both surely an expression of "well done" from heaven above.

Oh, the simple joys of being a gardener!