
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Serendipity in Spring


SPRING gets a little confused. 

Rebuds in Snow

Perhaps she's so busy painting the pastels 
that she doesn't see Old Man Winter rushing in 
for a final fling.

Periwinkle taking a Peek 

Such a SERENDIPITOUS event, 
don't cha think?

Boomerang Lilac with Snowcaps

No worry.
The moisture is always welcome!

Pincushions in Crystal

And the colors peeking through the snow...
simply MAGICAL!

Besides... Winter always enjoys it's last beautiful blast!
And the budding trees and flowers...
always seem to survive.

( This snow storm gathered 3 inches in my gardens yesterday. 
Today as I'm posting this, it has all disappeared.
I've learned you gotta grab the camera quick if you want to capture the magic!)

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2015 All Rights Reserved 
This Grandmother's Garden | Highland, Utah, USA


  1. Moisture - yes, Frost - no! I hope it melted super quick. Nice photos though :)

  2. Such gorgeous photos ! I do hope it was the final snow fling though! : )

  3. Such gorgeous photos ! I do hope it was the final snow fling though! : )

  4. The snow on the redbuds and other flowers made wonderful photos, but I hope winter will release its failing grip and allow spring to blossom freely for you. I hope the blooms were not damaged!

  5. Even though I do not like to see snow in spring, it is gorgeous against all the color in your garden.

  6. so you have literally only just emerged from the snow!


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