
Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring is Here!

The warmth of the Radiant Sun
 has enticed my redbuds to 


 Proudly proclaiming to all the little birds

 Spring is here!  

You can now move in... please?

(Redbuds have never popped this early in my gardens...
 all my world is loving this Sunshine!)

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2015 All Rights Reserved  
This Grandmother's Garden | Highland, Utah, USA


  1. Replies
    1. How could Spring ever not be happy... I delight in all that is happening in my gardens. Well except for the neighbors pesky cat sneaking up on the birds at the feeders.

  2. FABULOUS, Carolyn. Short but sweet and to the point! Spring IS here. We're starting to see it, too, here in the Netherlands. The daffodils and crocuses are up...and the buds are starting to sprout, like yours. YAY. Soon the tulips will be blooming....

    1. I have been anxiously waiting for those Tulips to bloom in the Netherlands... I'll be thrilled to see the pics my daughter posts of those forever fields of blooms. So far crocus in fields of grass and daffodils in Assen... so beautiful!

  3. Happy spring to you! My redbuds just started blooming a few days ago. The dogwoods are not far behind.

  4. Carolyn that is are having all the warmth and we are getting all the cold....

    1. Wishing you warm weather. There. Things should change this week for you. ♥

    2. Wishing you warm weather. There. Things should change this week for you. ♥

  5. Wow, that is early! We are in our normal zone of warm, then cold, then warm. April is usually a little warmer and a little rainier. My Redbuds usually bloom in May. Happy spring!

    1. Yes but a Spring snow storm could still come to my gardens... happens most years.

    2. Yes but a Spring snow storm could still come to my gardens... happens most years.

  6. Early spring, congrats Carolyn!

    1. Thank you Nadezda. I'm on my way to come see you!

    2. Thank you Nadezda. I'm on my way to come see you!

  7. Enjoy the spring and all the flowers it brings !

  8. How pretty, Carolyn! When I arrived at your blog my eyes lit up at all the spring beauty! We had snow again here last week, but it is melting quickly...looking forward to some of that spring prettiness here!

  9. I'm so glad spring has made it to you, I'm still waiting patiently for it here in my part of the world. I'm visiting from the Over 40 group. Enjoy the weekend.

  10. Hi Carolyn! I'm visiting from TO40s - Your gardens and photos are so beautiful! I had lovely gardens in MA, but moved to AZ recently so trying to learn desert gardening now! It's a challenge :/ Happy spring!

  11. Very lovely, and I can't wait to spring to pop up here, we had snow this morning... and very cold. So what was budding before is long gone. So i have hope it will soon be here, in the meantime I've been working out in my greenhouse. Stopping by from TO40

  12. It's my 3rd spring with my little redbud first year it was a twig now it's about 3 feet tall...when o h when...? Will I get some

    Love your photos of yours.


  13. I love redbuds. Ours were starting to to pop too. I have stayed in for the last couple days, because we had a cold spell. Tomorrow I will have to get back out and look at their progress. Such pretty photos. xo Laura

  14. I have a Forest Pansy redbud that I love dearly! I hear that you out there in the west have enjoyed a mild winter and early spring, and those of the us in the East have had a brutal winter and a late spring. What if we just balanced that out a little? LOL Spring is slow to arrive here!

  15. Gorgeous blossoms and I am so glad Spring is here!

  16. Carolyn girl we are "running" trying to catch up with all of you who have Spring visiting .. it is a season which is so short now that you can blink and it has come and gone already ... but we still have snow and ice ... and I am weary.
    However we have had temperatures above 0 now and some rain so little by little the garden is being uncovered.
    Such a slow process, it is like taking a bandage off hair by hair ? LOL
    Your pictures are simply gorgeous ! gives me hope ? !!
    Take care
    Joy : )


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!