
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I'm STILL Here

I'm STILL Here

Lovin' where life is taking me
one step at a time.

and yes,
 Life is STILL Good.

I've been away from this blog far too long...
time to pick up the camera
and share what's happening in 

This Grandmother's Garden

Won't you please join me as my sleepy gardens begin to awake?

Our first QUAIL sighting was yesterday...
wonder how many babies we'll have this year!

Off I go to visit my blogging friends...
how I've missed you!

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2015 All Rights Reserved
This Grandmother's Garden | Highland, Utah, USA


  1. Carolyn girl ! Hello there : )
    I have wondered about you but didn't want to intrude ... we all need a break from blogging ... I do random posts but I'm not whole heartedly in it , if you know what I mean ... it has been a brutal winter here. Records broken in February.
    Loads of snow which is good for the ground water issue .. but makes winter stretch out endlessly it seems.
    Your blog is looking so pretty ! An inspiration for Spring ! Thank you girl .. it brightened up my morning : )

    1. So glad I can brighten your day Joy! My gardens are just beginning to awake... if I post about Spring will it come?

  2. How nice to see you again, I wondered where you were. Then I re -read your last post back in June . I'd forgotten you were taking a break. Sometimes the daily things in life need us more. I always loved your bright and breezy style of posts. So look forward to seeing what you are up to in your garden.

    1. Thank you for your sweet words Barbara... so glad you could still find me.

  3. Hello Carolyn! Glad you're still there and that life is still good! I've thought of you often and hoped things were going well! Your "I Believe" made me think of this piece of music, "Even When He is Silent" The text was written on a wall in a concentration camp during the holocost:
    I believe in the sun, even when it's not shining.
    I believe in love, even when I feel it not.
    I believe in God, even when He is silent.

    Happy spring, happy new post!

    1. Oh thank you... that song fills my soul. You are so kind to share with me. So glad I didn't lose my sweet friends after my long break.

  4. HELLO, HELLO, HELLO!!! (giggle) Glad you are back even if it is only sporadically like once a month or so. I just sent you a private email so you will read more there. :D I have indeed missed you terribly!!! Spring is still a ways away here in New Hampshire after the horrible winter we have had, still too much snow on the ground for spring to get started.

    Talk again SOON!!!
    Hugs always my sister in blogging and gardening,

    1. You make me smile... as always. Hugs right back to you sweet friend.

  5. Happy spring, Carolyn! And welcome back! I noticed your comment on Dee's blog, and realized you hadn't shown up in my feed for a while. I'm glad you're back to blogging. Cheers!

    1. I'm so happy to be back. I do love sharing my gardens!

  6. Hi Carolyn! It is great to hear from you again! Thanks for thinking of me and coming by to visit Deb's Garden. Spring is a wonderful time in the garden, and it is also a good time to reconnect with old blogging buddies!The bird feeder and the bird with the picket fence in the background is a wonderful image of the season. I look forward to your future posts.

    Wishing you the best,

    1. Of course I would think of you... you're my favorite Alabama gardener! So nice to connect with you again!

  7. Welcome back! I hope you had a nice break. Looking forward to your posts and seeing your beautiful garden and reading more about your quail. Happy spring Carolyn!

    1. I had a lovely break, much longer than I anticipated, but filled with delightful things. I'm giddy about the Quail returning. So glad you found me again!

  8. It's always good to take a break :) I did the same last year too and the break was so refreshing. Exciting to have quail visit your garden too - hopefully you'll have plenty of young ones being reared in the garden too this year.

    1. You're right... I just didn't expect to be gone so long. I enjoyed your post today!

  9. Oh you have been missed Carolyn....I love the fresh spring look of your blog....and I can't wait to see your garden!

  10. slow blogging for me, as building alterations chew up whole weeks of my life, and most of the day.
    Welcome Back!

    1. Thank you Diana. I'm looking forward to seeing your new place. If you're near that beautiful sea in your header it will surely be wonderful.

  11. Hooray! I'm glad you're back. I enjoy your blog very much.

  12. Welcome back - so good to see you on my feed again! Perfect timing too - I enjoy watching spring unfold in your lovely garden!

    1. So nice to know "old" friends are still blogging.

  13. Welcome back Carolyn!
    I'm glad you're with us, blogging. Can't wait to see your photos.

  14. Welcome back! Glad to hear life is doing well. Can't wait to see some pics of those quail babies!

  15. We've missed you too Carolyn, So glad you are back.~~Dee


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!