
Friday, June 6, 2014

Sometimes You Just Need a Little Break...


So much is happening in my gardens! 
I've been so busy busy...

30 days since my last post...
Don't give up on me... new post is coming soon!

(Besides... I've missed visiting all of you!)

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2014 All Rights Reserved 
This Grandmother's Garden | Highland, Utah, USA


  1. You're still on my Bloglovin list, so post whenever you can! I don't visit blogging friends very often these days. Constantly running behind with my crazy caretaker schedule.

  2. Carolyn girl this is such a beautiful shot ! the lighting is perfect , the birdhouse so cute with the little one there and I love that evergreen and other plants in the background !
    Joy : )

  3. I have had a forced break working in the garden but at least I can read blogs and write my posts.....looking forward to seeing more of your garden as it blooms in JUne!!

  4. Lovely shot. That conifer fits it and makes it all the more beautiful.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  5. Enjoy your break! The blog will still be here when you find time to post again :-)

  6. Un peu de repos fait toujours du bien. Très belle photo! Profitez de votre jardin.

  7. Hi Carolyn, I sent you a message on your Facebook about an opportunity for your blog you might be interested in. Take a look and let me know what you think.

  8. We all understand. May is always so busy for me, then I spend June trying to catch up! I went on a trip three weeks ago, and I still feel behind. What the heck? I made a garden list today, and it was very, very long. Guess I'd better get busy.

  9. I totally understand, Carolyn! I've been behind on visiting and commenting lately, too. And I have so many ideas for blog posts, but not enough time to follow through. Hope you're enjoying your time off. Enjoy the 4th!

  10. I have found since taking a four month hiatus from my blogging that I did indeed miss hearing from my friends! I am back at half speed right now and that works just fine for me. I am also back on Blogger having closed my wordpress blog down. People were having too many difficulties leaving comments on posts over there so I decided it was time to come back home :D I hope you are well my dear friend and that the "busy" in your life is all positive! Look forward to hearing from you ...
    Hugs always,
    Beth P

  11. Oh my, i feel the same: gardening, full time job and no time for blogging, :/

  12. A lovely image, enjoy your break and come back refreshed.

  13. Hello my dear friend! I've been away too long and lost track of too many friends. I am finally back at the helm of my blog, which has been renamed "Let's Begin Again"... I do so hope you will make it over for a visit when you return to your bloggy thoughts!!! You have been missed and thought of often! Just in case you have trouble finding me, I am back on blogger, it is http://elisabetpollock[dot]blogspot[dot]com I hope summer was good to you and your beautiful garden and family?! It is well into fall here in New Hampshire and I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the white stuff in the near future. Please get in touch, just so I know you are OK! :D
    Hugs my sweet blogging sister,
    Beth P


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!