
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

If I Post It... Will She Come?

The Spring Header is UP!

So, if I post about Spring will she finally come? Hey, it's worth a try don't you think?

Here's a post from last Spring... surely one of my favorites. Enjoy!
(Our Redbuds are actually very tiny and tight as I write this. Sunshine... we need SUNSHINE!) 


 Early morning snow in my gardens!


Grab a sweatshirt and run out in your PJ's!

There's MAGIC in the gardens
and it won't last long...

Spring Snow always melts so quickly.

Redbuds in Snow

The Redbuds are waiting patiently for sunshine,
and when it comes,
 those tiny little buds will "POP"!

Sweet Reflection

 Can you SEE the magic?

Enchanted Drop of Melted Snow

It's "take my breath away" beautiful!

I told you there was MAGIC in my gardens. 

Blooming Requires... PATIENCE

 All of Nature is waiting patiently...
but Spring is coming sooo very slowly.

Sensation Lilac

 Buds are tiptoeing cautiously...
Is it going to be SUNNY or SNOWY?
Warm or Cold?

Maple Leaf Babies

Is it safe to come out yet?
I don't think so, 

Didn't you hear?
There's more SNOW in the forecast.

Pretty Periwinkle Peeking Out from Snow
Real Blooms!
 Contrary to what you may think,
these little buds and blooms will be just fine.

This is Spring in Utah.


Though I do think 
they're BRAVE little souls.

Don't you?

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2014 All Rights Reserved 
This Grandmother's Garden | Highland, Utah, USA


  1. Brave little souls indeed! It's amazing how adaptable plants are. May you have sun and warm spring days to play in your garden soon!

  2. Oh my goodness those shots are simply stunning...sigh. And to think I have never seen a red bud bloom here, well yet. My little stick that I planted last spring is tiny still, but one day I hope that it will be like yours, a real beauty.


  3. Spring in Utah, congratulation Carolyn!
    Stunning photo of raindrop reflection, your macro is great! Have a nice day!

  4. I can't elieve that your tulips are in full bloom in spite of the snow. We didn't have any and my tulips are still hiding from me:( Spring in Utah is snowy but magical.

  5. Oh how awesome your photos are... all that pinkness, and I love how you have captured the reflection in the snowdrop. You almost make me want to move to a place where it snows.....

  6. Those are some lovely shots. When it finally comes you will have some beautiful full blooms.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  7. Carolyn girl Happy First Day of SPRING !
    Although you would never know it from the look of my garden .. we are still stuck in snow cycle .. today it is warm enough to rain but mixed precipitation with "snow" is going to happen.
    Your beautiful trees/plants are way ahead of mine ... I love the Redbud .. so gorgeous and your shot of the magical "drop" is simply stunning : ) Thank you for making me smile girl .. I SO need that right now !
    Joy : )

  8. Your images are absolutely breath-taking, Carolyn. OMG! The thing is, we in Dutchland never had any winter at all this year. It doesn't make sense, does it. It gives one pause...while other places seem to be stuck in it forever! But clearly, spring will come. Hang in there!

  9. I do hope it arrives soon, and yes, I still see the magic.

  10. Well, you may have a little snow to deal with, but spring in Utah is beautiful. And way more advanced than ours! Just saw my first crocus today, so the rest isn't too far away.

  11. I remember this post from last year. I loved it then; I love it now!

  12. I am amazed at all that is in bloom or ready to bloom there...I have about 3 snowdrops and lots of snow on the ground with cold temps.

  13. Que de belles photos! J'adore. Vous avez un grand talent de photographe. Bonne semaine.


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