
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bring It On!

View from my window...

Fresh Snow!

Morning delight!

Fluffy Snow!

 "The kind you'd quit your job over just to ski in."
 or so I heard on the radio.

Perfect Spring Snow!

It will all be gone 
once the sun shines though the clouds.

Periwinkle Hiding in Snow

 First sign of Spring!
Bring it on!

Loved the Winter, 
but sooo ready for Spring to be here.

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2014 
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden | Highland, Utah, USA


  1. Spring is always fickle, so it shouldn't be a surprise every year. We'v had temperatures in the 60s and 70s, but it is supposed to get down into the 20s tonight with a chance of snow flurries. That's the way that spring rolls out!

    1. You are so right, Donna. I actually find it quite refreshing... the back and forth of Winter and Spring. Here the Spring snow most often melts by end of day, providing much needed moisture to awaken my landscape.

  2. The photos are lovely. Snow does make for some beautiful ones. We have it this morning also. I do hope this is the last one for the season, I am so ready for Spring also.

    1. I see the snow as another photo op... this snow was light flakes that looked a feather pillow had exploded. Coudn't quite capture the beauty I saw with my eyes.

  3. I have to say after almost 140 inches and another storm yesterday with over a foot of snow on top of the 2 feet still on the ground, coupled with sub zero temps that I am over winter and I want it gone. It has been a difficult winter around here and we deserve spring soon. Not going to happen anytime soon though as the very cold temps are sticking around. It is pretty, but I have had enough. Be gone winter!!

    1. Oh my... wishing you sunshine... and lots of it!

  4. I will ask the sun to spread over to Utah:)

  5. Carolyn, can't believe the winter is still in your place, I'm sure spring will come soon!
    We have no snow at all and I've seen some sprouts in my garden.
    Have a nice weekend!

    1. It's a tug of war between Winter and Spring... Spring always wins, but Winter likes to tease.

  6. I like to appreciate the snow. It snowed here yesterday, a couple of the bare spots the daffodils are trying to break dormancy. I am hoping the snow will melt overnight and the next day all the crocus and daffodil will be visible, ready to burst. Lovely photos.

  7. Très belle scène de jardin! J'adore. Ici beaucoup de neige. J'ai également très hâte au printemps. À bientôt.

  8. your snow looks powdery and kind. Canoe Corner has her car encased in ice, and Jean's Garden said she has 18 inches of packed ice. BRRR I'm enjoying autumn's kindness.

  9. I am THRILLED, Carolyn, to have found you through our mutual friend, Donna. It's a small world after all! I'm loving your blog here and am subscribing to it. I still can't believe anyone can have 19 grandchildren. I have only one and I'm 69 in June!

    Needless to say, I want to learn more about your daughter who will be living in the Netherlands for 18 months. I'll look for your email address but mine, in the meantime, is


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