
Friday, November 8, 2013

Tis the Last Rose of Autumn...

 Tis the last rose of "Autumn"
Left blooming alone;

All her lovely companions
Are faded and gone;

No flower of her kindred,
No rosebud is nigh,

To reflect back her blushes,
To give sigh for sigh.
                                   ~Thomas Moore Irish poet

Tuscan Sunset in Golden Autumn

The morning air has been crisp and cold 
for some time now.

Not many blooms 
from my window view.

Aromatherapy Rose Dancin' with the Burning Bush

But a brisk walk in the chilly air 
revealed these sweet survivors 
down my Rose Garden Path.

Hmm... must be a pocket of warm there 
to entice these beauties to dance 
in this Autumn glow.

Cherry Parfait Rose in Golden Autumn

Gather ye rose-buds while ye may, 
Old time is still a-flying. 
And this same flower that smiles today, 
Tomorrow will be dying.
                          ~Henry David Thoreau

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2013
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA


  1. Still roses, seriously?! What a great little microclimate you have there. In California there I had roses until Christmas . . . sigh . . . no longer is that the case!

    1. This is the latest I can remember them blooming in our gardens.Most of them are done, just these three blooms are surviving. Brought a smile to my face.

  2. Carolyn, great photos and the poems go well to your roses.
    Glad you can still see the roses in your garden. Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thank you... wishing you a wonderful weekend, too!

  3. Love the roses but think the quote is Robert Herrick not the great Thoreau - or am I wrong?

    1. Ahhh spot on... I'd like to say this was a contest to see who would spot the error. But actually, it is my mistake...I trusted the wrong source for my information. Great catch!

  4. they are beautiful Carolyn! Enjoy as long as you can...

    1. I haven't been out today to see them... but it was quite cold last night. I'm thinking they too have bit the dust.

  5. Lovely Roses and one of the benefits of having Roses that rebloom is just how long into the year that they do that.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. It's always wonderful to find a bloom anywhere, any season, don't you think?

  6. Carolyn, the roses are so beautiful and so are the poems. I wanted to thank you for your wonderful comments on my blog during my latest bout with not-so-great health. You really cheered me up. I was out of commission for too long. I have subscribed to your blog's feed now so I won't miss any posts. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, dear friend!

    1. I hope you are feeling much better, Karen. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Far away hugs!

  7. Those are lovely! How surprising that you still have blooms going!

    1. Yes and such a pleasant surprise... I'm thinking they may have finally met their demise... it's been so cold at night!

  8. Beautiful and brave to be blooming in the chill of November, your roses are very special! Thanks for the beautiful pictures!

  9. There may only be three Carolyn, but what a trio they are.

  10. Now the Garden Center worker in me is freaking that you still have roses blooming,,lol. We always made sure to tell our customers to us 0-0-50 to put those dainties to bed. That said, mine is still blooming, and I haven't used the 0-0-50 either. But then again, we have had snow, but not a really hard frost. It should be starting to feel drowsy soon.


    1. Actually I have never even heard of using 0-0-50 on roses... and to think my roses have always done so wonderful without it. They seem to get sleepy all by themselves.

  11. Oh Carolyn these are stunning and to still be blooming...priceless.

    1. A tender mercy to find them that particular day... and it was priceless!

  12. What beauties indeed! The only flowers that I have left now are two black eyed susans that live very close to the house. My roses were still blooming until mid-week last week when it dropped down into the 20's for several nights. Sigh, now it is the steady brown of winter with a gathering of thicker and thicker frost each morning. Soon I suspect it will turn to it's white beauty of a heavy blanket of snow.
    Thanks for all of your inspiration and sisterly support recently...

  13. Oh what a delight to have such beauties in flower at this late stage and such gorgeous photos too :). I have buds, plenty of buds but I don't think I'll get the heat required to encourage the buds to break open like yours Carolyn. I might just have to cut them and bring them indoors.

    1. It's always sweet to find hidden treasures... especially as the seasons change.

  14. The last roses of autumn are so bittersweet! And beautiful, of course.


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