
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October Blooms for GBBD

Bright and early this morning I went outside with my camera
ready to capture images from my gardens 
for this Garden Blogger's Bloom Day. 

Black-eyed Susan  ♦ 'Red Rocks' Beard Tongue ♦ Pink Double Knock Out Rose ♦ 'Bandito Rose' Lantana ♦ 'Quick Fire' Hardy Hydrangea  

Daisy ♦ Snapdragon ♦ Geranium ♦ Prairie Mallow

Don't let the pretty pictures fool you... 
Autumn has definitely made her presence known 
in my Utah Gardens.

 The days are way too cold not to wear a sweater
and we've had enough frost that many of our blooms 
are just gone for the season.

The images above are survivors...
single blooms nestled here and there 
in a warmer micro-system near the house.

The warmer temps there 
enticed them to bloom.


Not all the flowers fare so well 
 from the frosty air.

The blooms and buds are damaged by the frost...
and most turn brown and die.

 But sometimes frost will only touch 
a portion of the bud...
and though a little mis-shapen...
they are still beautiful to me.

Can you tell which side of this dahlia 
had freezer burn?

Leaves are definitely turning in my gardens
and are beginning to fall.  
I love this time of year.

Summer and Fall seem to have a tug-of-war  
with cold, frosty mornings 
then warm sunny days.

Then Old Man Winter will occasionally sneak in 
to cover my gardens with snow.
Early snow always melts 
 and the gardens live to dance a little longer.

Fresh snow in the mountains above us 
is a stark reminder 
that Winter will be here to stay 
way too soon.

 ♦   ♦   ♦

Join Carol at May Dreams Gardens
for more October blooms 
all across this beautiful world.

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2013 
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA


  1. Bless their tenacity in continuing to bloom as long as they can. Beautiful. I sometimes miss living in a cold winter climate. Love looking at snow but not a fan of having to shovel it.

    1. Tenacity is the perfect word for them. And I hear you regarding shoveling snow. I'm thankful for my Honeyman... he takes care of all things shoveling.

  2. Here in York UK we are awaiting our first frost - it is a bonus this year that we have not had one yet and for example my Dahlia Bishop of Llandaff is looking absolutely stunning. I think October and November in our climate are neglected months by many gardeners. there is both Autumn colour and late summer flowers.

    1. And that's one reason why I love Autumn... the confluence of the seasons... and here that often includes three seasons. I'll be right over to see your Dahlia...

  3. Gorgeous! You and I live in such different's always fun to "visit" other ways of gardening.

    1. Where do you garden, Jan? I don't see any mention of it on your site... I do see an amazing collection of dolls you have created. Masterful!

  4. Lovely shots and lots blooming for you there still, yet you are already getting Fall colors appearing. I'm not getting the Fall colors yet even though I am waiting for them.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  5. Hey Carolyn! Thanks for popping by to say hi over at my blog. I always look forward to hearing from you! :D Your gardens are still gorgeous... I'm trying not to think in the garden, outside thing right now... they are still logging and it looks like they will be here for quite a while longer... even though they lied and said two weeks... Ok, I'm not going negative.... let that bad karma float away on a butterflies wings to be absorbed by Mother Nature!
    One of my little pin looms arrived yesterday so today I am trying to figure out how it works... I found a gorgeous blanket made of woven 4" squares in several shades of reddish pinks along with a soft grey and white... I think I would like to try and make that... it only takes 121 squares so I will be out and about tomorrow looking for the yarn. Yes, yes, I am learning to spin but I haven't gotten to the stage of making anything useable yet nor have I learned to use dyes yet... lol
    Hugs my sweet blogging sister,
    Beth P

  6. Wow, you still have a lot of flowers left! My dahlias are brown skeletons, and most everything else is done as well. It doesn't help that I've created some artificial ice storms with sprinklers running in the early morning cold. But we have several weeks when it frosts at night but warms up so much in the day that the plants still need water. Nice color on your tree leaves.

    1. The collage tends to make one think so. I enjoy when Fall comes slowly... it helps helps in the mourning of Summer.

  7. Seems like we are pretty much the same weather as you...well except for that dash of snow. I love your header, it's so pretty, and colorful. And yes, the Dahlias are all beautiful to me too.


    1. The "dash" had melted by mid-afternoon and we haven't seen anymore since... but we know it's coming. It always does.

  8. Thank you for sharing the beauty that still lingers in your yard! It's gotten nippy here in east TN and I had to turn the heat on yesterday for the first time in the season.

    1. Turning the heat on... that's a sure sign of the changing of the season. Ours has been on for a couple of weeks now , but just for the nippy nights.

  9. Your last photo says it all, with frost covered grass surrounded by lovely blooms! You have such a pretty garden, no matter the season.

    1. That is actually a dusting of snow... the first of the season, but surely not the last.

  10. No snow here yet but N of me...little blooms here or there in my garden too as the cold weather is shutting it down but we only had one light frost back in Sept. A freeze due this week.


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Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!