
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Come Find Inspiration With Me

Sometimes I need a little fresh air 
to clear my mind... 

Autumn's Gold

and a little space 
to forget about present cares.

Sweet Reflection

Time to look back 
and reflect on where I've been...

The Road Ahead

and inspiration to look ahead 
so that I may once again move forward.

Autumn's Refuge

A place to find solace
and direction.

Red Leaf Waiting

A connection to the Spirit...


that my soul may be filled 
with harmony 
and peace. 

Crystal Clear

And sweet assurance that 
God, indeed, is in His Heaven. 

Mt. Timpanogas September 2013

"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber."
                                                                                                                            Psalms 121

 I invite you to 

Come listen with me... 

Come listen to living prophets

I promise your heart will be touched 
as you experience a sweet connection with Heaven...
and you will find inspiration 
and harmony 
and peace.

All images taken on the far side of the mountains behind my home...
it's so beautiful up there! 

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2013 
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA


  1. Oh gosh what beauty surrounds you, I felt more peaceful just looking thorugh the photos. I love the way you weave your words through the photos.....

    1. Thank you so much... that was my intent... that my readers would feel peace.

  2. Lovely photos. I could take walks and look at that everyday.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. You live in such a glorious place. I lived in SLC for almost a year, and I remember fondly the beauty all around. I agree it is not hard to think about God and what He created when out in nature. The peace falls over one like a protective blanket.

    1. That peace and the protection it gives is always there... we just have to allow place for it in our hearts.

  4. Carolyn, what stunning photos! I love more 'The Road Ahead' and 'Red Leaf Waiting' - it's as a window to your world!

    1. "Red Leaf Waiting" is my favorite. Notice that it is a leaf that has fallen, and it was captured by a living green leaf. So much one can infer from that image.

  5. Wow, I love your 'Road Ahead' picture! How beautiful and majestic!

    1. That image was captured late in the day when the sun was golden on the leaves but the mountains with snow was in the shadows. I would like to go there again in early morning when the snow glistens with the sunshine.

  6. Hi Carolyn, these photos are so beautiful... you are truly blessed. thank you so much as you know what is going on across from my home right now I really needed to see this beauty... I was able to take a deep breath and breath in the beauty of all the nature that surrounds us:D
    Hugs my sweet blogging sister,
    Beth P

    1. I thought of you as I wrote this post, Beth. I do hope you can feel the peace that only Heaven can bring. All will be well my dear.

  7. Beautiful images!
    Have a wonderful week-end!
    Lea's Menagerie

    1. Oh my weekend is going to be glorious. There are five sessions of our conference. We gather our family around about us and watch each of them with great anticipation as we listen to a prophet's voice. We look forward to this blessing each October and April.

  8. Carolyn girl .. you have been so sweet to check in on me : ) I appreciate your kindness very much !
    I just came in from doing some garden chores .. so much more to get done yet I miss the happiness I usually have when in the garden .. just so tired and stressed from the chaos with the renos .. and still more to come.
    I think if we had not had the many, many ! hiccups that have happened with each step I would not be so overwhelmed.
    It is wonderful to have our son here for his visit .. all too soon he leaves(Tuesday) .. and things have been so crazy here with our workman trying to sort the renos out.
    I have missed our Autumn .. and that makes me sad.
    BUT ! ... your beautiful pictures are soul quenching to me .. it is hard to imagine living in such an amazing area !
    We too have gorgeous places around our small city .. but I have to get out some year and walk a few trails to get some pictures ? LOL ... yours are stunning !
    Thanks so much for the wee vacation from my troubles ... this was extraordinary !
    Joy : )

    1. These pics were taken on the other side of my mountain... about a 45 minute drive. Always a blessing to walk through those woods.

  9. I lift my eyes to the hills - is how I live my life. I've blogged about mountains as a thread running thru my life. Our view, my blog header, my blog name - I lift my eyes to the hills.

  10. Beautiful shots, we all need those moments of reflection to realize our inner peace.


  11. My heart went pitter patter when I saw those scenes with the mountains! How wonderful that such visions are near your home!

    1. So glad you came, Donna... sending you more far away hugs.

  12. How majestic! The western mountains are so beautiful, and I agree--nature soothes the soul. Enjoy the autumn beauty!

  13. Awe inspiring soul lifting pictures!!

  14. A path to paradise in the photo above.


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