
Monday, October 21, 2013

Capturing Autumn's Golden Light

The first ray of sunshine 
peeked through my office window 
and I knew time was of the essence.

Grabbing my camera and a jacket 
I flung the door wide open 
and ran out into the chilly air.

Autumn's Golden Light

Autumn's Golden Light 
is tiptoeing through my gardens...
and I so want to capture her.

Autumn Confetti

Branches ignite into flame 
as sunbeams slip in from behind.

And if I'm not quick
I'll totally miss this magic moment.

Flame Maple

I carefully place my lens...
the sun shines through each leaf 
to capture the radiant glow.


The gentle touch of Midas...
 begins to illuminate my world 
with soft tones of a golden Autumn.


Capture complete... and isn't it glorious?

 I'm quite sure the leaves wait patiently all year long
for this illustrious event.

I know I do.

Oak Leaves on Fire

Morning in my gardens is always magical
but Autumn mornings...
 Autumn mornings are simply divine.

Don't take my word for it...
try it out for yourself!

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2013
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA


  1. Glorious, indeed! Your photos are spectacular!

  2. Oh my gosh! Your photos are like stained glass windows :) I just love to read your words and see your magical photos - you are so inspiring :)

    1. Oh you are so kind... the light is what made these images so enchanting. I just happened to capture that golden glow at the right moment.

  3. It's beautiful, and you have captured it for all time perfectly.

    I do love this time of's sad when the leaves go.


    1. I always feel sad when the leaves have all fallen, but then mother nature fills my world with the beauties of Winter! Isn't it wonderful that we have rotating seasons?

  4. Your photos are glorious! This is a magical time of year; I love what that special light does to the already beautiful leaves.

    1. You are right about the magic. And it's all about capturing that light, isn't it?

  5. Beautifully written and captured!

    1. Thank you Katarina, so nice to see you here again.

  6. Lovely photos. Nothing like the beautiful shades of Autumn color. You are good at capturing lovely photos which makes them glow.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. It does require a small ounce of patience... but so worth while.

  7. Carolyn girl these pictures are stunning ! You have to print some off and frame them so you can have golden light in your office too!
    You are so right about morning light in the garden .. and it changes so quickly that you have to be fast to catch it.
    This year I seemed to miss out on it a lot .. but I hope to make up for it next year !
    Yes ... the snow can cover up a lot of un-done chores ? LOL
    Joy : )

    1. Joy, you are such a joy... you do make me smile.

  8. Carolyn, perfect pictures! They go well with your words about Autumn, it's really golden bright shining season!

  9. Beautiful captures. While everyone is winding down with gardening, I'm still in high gear thanks to the sunshine and blue sky we're being blessed with here in the Pacific Northwest. I can't help myself. Enjoy it while it's here, right?

  10. Thanks so much for that Carolyn! Your pictures are superb and, as others say above, the words are perfect a compliment. Autumn is truly a superb time. I have particularly lovely memories of the time I worked in a great English garden and used to cycle through in the autumn to water the plants in the largest glasshouse when no one else had arrived (this was 30 years ago!). I'd say they are amongst the most precious memories of my life - and it wasn't spring that inspired, it was the lovely light of autumn, captured so well in your photos.

  11. Amazing photos and lovely captured. Your autumn has come much further than here in London where I live, the trees haven’t started to turn yellow yet but soon I hope to have similar photo opportunities :-)

    1. It seems they turned very quickly here... we are having a beautiful Autumn.

  12. Your images are just amazing, especially the first one. I just love autumn's light. It's so different, and so much more soft than the hard summer sunlight.

    1. Autumn light is always quite amazing, but sometimes rather illusive. It was a magical five or six minutes that seemed to leave as quickly as it came.

  13. Superb subject matter, lighting, and photos! Glorious!

  14. Oh what beautiful photos! And what a beautiful autumn you must be enjoying. The oak leaves are especially pretty against the blue sky!

    1. Thank you... it has been a beautiful Autumn. This just may be her last hurrah... forecast is for cold and snow tomorrow.

  15. The way you captured those beautiful golden trees is amazing!!! I can feel autumn pouring out of your photos!!! Thank you for popping by my blog! I look forward to following along with you!

    1. That's what I was hoping for.... so glad you felt the light.

  16. Replies
    1. Thank you for coming, Tatyana... so nice to catch up with you again.

  17. On mornings I am not driving to work in the dark I watch the sky for those fleeting moments when the sun paints it brighter and brighter...and I try and capture the scene.

  18. "When morning guilds the skies (and leaves) my heart awak'ning cries..." So beautiful.

    1. "Let all the earth around ring joyous with the sound..." I so agree with you. Thank you for the sweet thought.

  19. Magnifique! Vos photos sont superbes. Vous avez un talent incroyable pour la photo. Bonne journée.

  20. Having trouble commenting via out at blogger but who really cares? More important that I tell you enjoyed the beauty of the photos and the prose. You captured the light! Thanks.

    1. I'm not sure why that is, but it does allow us to click on to your webpage. I've noticed that happens to me occasionally as I visit other's blogs. Thank you for visiting, Carol. I always enjoy your posts.

  21. Well captured lovely blog .This is my favourite time of the year and the foilage has been stunning.


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