Monday, October 28, 2013

An Old Witch Lives Here

ENTER if you must... 

but only if you dare.



I've heard them say

"an old witch lives there".


She's only a witch this time of year

the rest of the days 

she's "This Grandmother" dear.


When the moon shines bright,

and the wind holds a chill...

a walk through her gardens

will bring such a thrill!

Tread lightly as you walk
so as not to disturb,
There are ghosts you can't see
though their cries may be heard.


Kiss this rose for safe passage

then click your heels twice...

Don't mind the little spider

He can be rather nice.

Pumpkin eyes 

and witches brew

Magic in this garden  

lends a mystical hue.

Don't touch the flowers!

That have a blue glow...

They'll cause a nasty itch,

they're poisonous you know.


This clematis seed head 

will cast a magic spell...

if you turn into a pumpkin

I'll never tell.

Grasshoppers now simmering
in the old witches stew
made these bewitching holes...
bid these blossoms adieu.


Be careful where you step 

you silly old fool

or you may find yourself 

in that black pot too!

This poison petal...

will make your feet dance

and perhaps fill your heart

with totally wicked romance. ♥

Delirious dahlias

lost their silly minds

after bloomin' like crazy

they're a ghastly design.

The shadows of a thousand years
rise up again unseen,
Voices whisper in my trees,
“It will soon be Halloween!” 


it seems to bring out the witch in me.

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2013
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA

Monday, October 21, 2013

Capturing Autumn's Golden Light

The first ray of sunshine 
peeked through my office window 
and I knew time was of the essence.

Grabbing my camera and a jacket 
I flung the door wide open 
and ran out into the chilly air.

Autumn's Golden Light

Autumn's Golden Light 
is tiptoeing through my gardens...
and I so want to capture her.

Autumn Confetti

Branches ignite into flame 
as sunbeams slip in from behind.

And if I'm not quick
I'll totally miss this magic moment.

Flame Maple

I carefully place my lens...
the sun shines through each leaf 
to capture the radiant glow.


The gentle touch of Midas...
 begins to illuminate my world 
with soft tones of a golden Autumn.


Capture complete... and isn't it glorious?

 I'm quite sure the leaves wait patiently all year long
for this illustrious event.

I know I do.

Oak Leaves on Fire

Morning in my gardens is always magical
but Autumn mornings...
 Autumn mornings are simply divine.

Don't take my word for it...
try it out for yourself!

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2013
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October Blooms for GBBD

Bright and early this morning I went outside with my camera
ready to capture images from my gardens 
for this Garden Blogger's Bloom Day. 

Black-eyed Susan  ♦ 'Red Rocks' Beard Tongue ♦ Pink Double Knock Out Rose ♦ 'Bandito Rose' Lantana ♦ 'Quick Fire' Hardy Hydrangea  

Daisy ♦ Snapdragon ♦ Geranium ♦ Prairie Mallow

Don't let the pretty pictures fool you... 
Autumn has definitely made her presence known 
in my Utah Gardens.

 The days are way too cold not to wear a sweater
and we've had enough frost that many of our blooms 
are just gone for the season.

The images above are survivors...
single blooms nestled here and there 
in a warmer micro-system near the house.

The warmer temps there 
enticed them to bloom.


Not all the flowers fare so well 
 from the frosty air.

The blooms and buds are damaged by the frost...
and most turn brown and die.

 But sometimes frost will only touch 
a portion of the bud...
and though a little mis-shapen...
they are still beautiful to me.

Can you tell which side of this dahlia 
had freezer burn?

Leaves are definitely turning in my gardens
and are beginning to fall.  
I love this time of year.

Summer and Fall seem to have a tug-of-war  
with cold, frosty mornings 
then warm sunny days.

Then Old Man Winter will occasionally sneak in 
to cover my gardens with snow.
Early snow always melts 
 and the gardens live to dance a little longer.

Fresh snow in the mountains above us 
is a stark reminder 
that Winter will be here to stay 
way too soon.

 ♦   ♦   ♦

Join Carol at May Dreams Gardens
for more October blooms 
all across this beautiful world.

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2013 
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA

Friday, October 11, 2013

Don't Ya Know I've Had a Hard Day?

 I'm feeling a little ragged 
around the edges...

Raggedy Annes

Spent my whole day updating my template.
The pastels of Spring
just weren't speaking to me 

Pretty in Pink

I really like to change this blog 
with each 
changing season.

Don't even know 
what happened to Summer...
I blinked 
and she was gone.

Just an Old Zinnia

Thought I'd have it all up 
and running 
by noon.

 That was long before I realized 
Blogger is now 
new and improved.

Last Leaf Hanging

Don't they know 
that if it's not broken 
they shouldn't try to fix it?

Changing the header was easy...
but the blog colors? 

Oh my... 
they'll just have to stay pastel
until I figure it out. 

Done this dozens of times before
Never have I had 
such trouble.

Enlightening Leaves

I've read too many tutorials 
on how to fix Bloggers bumbling 
and I can honestly say... 

None of them work.

Maybe fresh eyes 
another day 
will solve the mystery.

Update: Fresh eyes in the morning...I figured it out.
And I love the new Autumn look... 
what do you think?

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2013 
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA

Monday, October 7, 2013

Morning Light

Morning Light

First view from my window 
this morning...


 I love how sunshine
slowly slips into my garden
as light begins to filter 
through the trees.

A Glorious New Day

It reminds me of how inspiration seeps into my heart 
and its light fills me with understanding.

This is going to be a glorious day...
 my soul is filled 
with fresh inspiration
from a weekend of listening.

Inspiration just may touch your heart 
as well.

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2013
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Come Find Inspiration With Me

Sometimes I need a little fresh air 
to clear my mind... 

Autumn's Gold

and a little space 
to forget about present cares.

Sweet Reflection

Time to look back 
and reflect on where I've been...

The Road Ahead

and inspiration to look ahead 
so that I may once again move forward.

Autumn's Refuge

A place to find solace
and direction.

Red Leaf Waiting

A connection to the Spirit...


that my soul may be filled 
with harmony 
and peace. 

Crystal Clear

And sweet assurance that 
God, indeed, is in His Heaven. 

Mt. Timpanogas September 2013

"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber."
                                                                                                                            Psalms 121

 I invite you to 

Come listen with me... 

Come listen to living prophets

I promise your heart will be touched 
as you experience a sweet connection with Heaven...
and you will find inspiration 
and harmony 
and peace.

All images taken on the far side of the mountains behind my home...
it's so beautiful up there! 

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2013 
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA