ENTER if you must...
but only if you dare.
I've heard them say
"an old witch lives there".
She's only a witch this time of year
the rest of the days
she's "This Grandmother" dear.
When the moon shines bright,
and the wind holds a chill...
a walk through her gardens
will bring such a thrill!
Tread lightly as you walk
so as not to disturb,
There are ghosts you can't see
though their cries may be heard.

Kiss this rose for safe passage
then click your heels twice...
Don't mind the little spider
He can be rather nice.
Pumpkin eyes
and witches brew
Magic in this garden
lends a mystical hue.
Don't touch the flowers!
That have a blue glow...
They'll cause a nasty itch,
they're poisonous you know.
will cast a magic spell...
if you turn into a pumpkin
I'll never tell.
Grasshoppers now simmering
in the old witches stew
made these bewitching holes...
bid these blossoms adieu.
Be careful where you step
you silly old fool
or you may find yourself
in that black pot too!
This poison petal...
will make your feet dance
and perhaps fill your heart
with totally wicked romance. ♥
Delirious dahlias
lost their silly minds
after bloomin' like crazy
they're a ghastly design.
The shadows of a thousand years
rise up again unseen,
Voices whisper in my trees,
“It will soon be Halloween!”
it seems to bring out the witch in me.
All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2013
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA