
Monday, July 15, 2013

We're Blooming!

Our Gardens are finally beginning to peak after a slow start in Spring.
Mostly pastels because of the wedding reception colors... 
but there are a few hot summer blooms as well.
 Enjoy the long shots of our gardens...
 we sure are!

Patio Pastels

Hummingbird Garden

Pathway Border

Trellis Garden

Seeking Solace

Mountain View

Miracle Agapanthus...(ask me why it's a miracle)

A few of our Hot Colors!

♥ I know I promised baby Quail 
but I just couldn't miss another Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.
Next post... Babies... I promise.
In the meantime, head on over to May Dreams Gardens for more GBBD posts♥

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2013 
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA


  1. Replies
    1. I first fell in love with Agapanthus in the blogging world. I'd never seen it in a garden. Three years ago I found it at our local Lowes store. They guarantee their plants for a year, so I decided to buy three, thinking I would just return the dead plants the following Spring. No way would they make it through our cold zone 5 Winter. They are a zone 8 and above plant. I marked the spots where they were planted and waited patiently the next Spring to see if they would emerge from the once frozen ground... they did! Much to my surprise. However, they didn't bloom. I let them stay in the garden giving them a chance to bloom another season. I was sad to see only two plants survive this past Winter. Lots of foliage emerged, but no blooms came. Then a couple of weeks ago, both plants grew a single bud... yippee! And now they are blooming beautifully. So that's my miracle, or maybe a tender mercy... and I'm loving seeing them dance in my gardens. Thanks for asking, Kathryn!

    2. I've learnt that I need to water Agapanthus in summer. For us they are a Christmas flower, so high summer heat.

  2. Your gardens are looking so lovely! I think I picked the wrong year to begin my gardens... everything is stunned like a dear standing in the headlights and just sitting there! *sigh*
    I guess I'll have to come by for frequent visits to get my flower fix! :D
    Beth P

    1. Patience my dear... patience. Gardening requires a great deal and honestly, it not a strong characteristic for me. But until your gardens kick into gear, you are always welcome to come here for a flower fix. BTW, love to see your sweet smiling face... love your new, profile pic!

  3. Oh, it's absolutely stunning, Carolyn! And everything is perfectly tended. I'm afraid to show you the long view in my messy garden!

    1. Only so perfectly tended because of the party we had. We worked our little buns off... but so pleased with the results.

  4. You have so many lovely areas in your garden. I could just imagine relaxing on that bench!

    1. Most of the time, I only imagine sitting there. I really need to spend more time there myself. Thanks for visiting!

  5. I can almost feel the peace radiating from your gardens. :) What is the bright red/fuschia flower in the background of your hummingbird garden? It's really stunning.
    Take care!

    1. Bee Balm, also called Monarda 'Raspberry Wine'. I feel peace here, too, even when I'm working in the gardens. It's a beautiful place to be. We feel very blessed to garden here.

  6. Your gardens are exceptionally lovely. The combinations are wonderful and everything just compliments everything else.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  7. Hi Carolyn,

    Beautiful gardens indeed, I love your double Echinops - are they the double click series? We can't really get them over here in the UK yet and I've had my eye on some via other blogs. Perhaps in 100 years we'll eventually see them here....

    Oh to have Hummingbirds in the garden... So amazingly lucky. If I were to ever move to the US it'd definitely be in a state where I can get hummers :)

    1. Thank you Liz... the hummingbirds are precious to us. I start many of my days sitting, camera in hand to catch their images.

  8. Great shots, Carolyn!
    I love the last one, it's hot and sunny summer day.
    Have a nice week!

    1. Thank you Nadezda. They are my favorites, too. I usually have more of those hot colors in my gardens but this year it was all about pastels for our garden reception.

  9. So beautiful, now has the wedding happened yet? It's a stunning location.


    1. Yes, it's happened. You can view more about our Perfect Day at the link in the first paragraph at the top of the post.

  10. Looks like a dreamy place for a wedding. Both humans and hummers must be in paradise! :)

  11. Very pretty Carolyn. The Monarda really brings in the hummingbirds.

    1. Actually, we've noticed it's a combination of the Black Salvia and the Monarda.

    2. I too love that Black Salvia. It is not hardy here, yet I did just see a garden locally where it came back.

  12. A really beautiful series of photos.

  13. Carolyn that view of the mountains from your garden is magnificent!
    You are one lucky gardener ... and the quail ? now that is icing on the cake .. we have lots of little birds and a rabbit or two : )
    Yes blooming now in the hot sunny weather is happening for those plants that revel in that. But for me ? .. I hide in the house and wait for cooler weather because I so do NOT bloom in that heat!! LOL
    Joy : )

    1. I hide from the heat, too, Joy, in fact, I melt in the heat. Thankfully our mornings and evenings are cool so that's when I'm out and about. As for the quail... I wished them here. I've always wanted quail in my gardens. And last year, they magically appeared. BTW, I would love rabbits... should I wish for them, too? Actually, just one or two will do.

  14. Gorgeous flowers AND a mountain view...color me jealous!

  15. Gorgeous garden and the mountain view is exquisite. Very healthy looking (red Monarda I think) Thanks for naming my Hosta Albo Marginata.

    1. 'Raspberry Wine' Monarda. New to my gardens and I'm in love with it. So are the bees and hummingbirds!

  16. Beautiful garden. What a gift of love to prepare it for the wedding. Not only do we nurture our gardens we use them to nurture. As I plan my new garden I am constantly referring to what my family and friends will enjoy, especially the children. Simple things like berries to pick straight from the bush and peas to shell on the back step, paths to follow and, like you, a thinking spot.

    1. Your thoughts are my thoughts, Susan. We're very blessed to have gardens that reflect those thoughts. Our grandchildren especially love gathering the berries.

  17. Wonderful! I especially like your hummingbird garden. Your garden shows a lot of love, and I know it contains very special memories. Your thinking spot with the mountains in the background is perfect!

    1. It does contain beautiful memories... I feel very blessed.

  18. So glad you showed off your stunning gardens which are fit for a garden magazine...just lovely!

    1. Thank you, Donna. We just about wore ourselves out in preparation,,, but it was so worth it.

  19. Stunning gardens and oh my, that view is heavenly!

  20. Lovely pics!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  21. Oh my word. Your garden and photos looks like they are straight from a gardening magazine! They are spectacular!

  22. Hello Carolyn,

    So nice to meet you! I am in awe of your gorgeous summer blooms!! The trellis photo could easily be a painting and that last picture of your 'hotties' made my heart melt! Thanks so much for the exciting inspiration!

    Your newest follower (Bloglovin'),


  23. C'est magnifique dans votre jardin. J''adore.

  24. No wonder they wished to hold their wedding in your garden, it's gorgeous! I was going to ask about a particular plant, but I see someone else did too. I've never seen a monarda that tall! It's incredible.

    1. This is my first experience with Monarda... and I am thrilled.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.


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