
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Wildflowers are Dancin'

High above the Salt Lake Valley  
in the heart of the Wasatch Mountains,
lies the Albion Basin.

And at the top of this glacially-carved canyon   
 is surely one of the most beautiful gardens in the world.

At least I think so.

Sunrise in the Meadow
And though it may be Summer down here in the valley,
up there, 
Spring has just begun...

and the WILDFLOWERS are dancin'! 

 It's their annual ritual
 once Winter's deep blanket of snow 
has finally melted. 

And it's our family's annual ritual 
to hike this glorious mountain 
to enjoy the bounteous splendor.

 We are never disappointed.

  This garden is tended by 

And we are mere visitors 
to His magnificent creations. 

Here birds and bees and butterflies reside 
to frolic freely through the blooms.

 While we feel reverence 
that lifts our souls
as we watch the dance.

A sweet reminder there are still places 
of great beauty and peace 
left on this earth.


 Our Albion Basin Hike 2013 
was enjoyed with our eldest daughter's family.  
Life is just more fun when grandkiddos are on the trail.

 To view our Albion Basin Hike 2012 follow the link below.
More beautiful pics and a couple of surprise visitors.

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2013 
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA


  1. WOW! How lucky you are to live near enough to hike that beautiful area each year! Spectacular! I bet it's absolutely breath taking when you're there! There are no words for things that beautiful! Wow! Thanks for sharing your photos. :-)

    1. You are so welcome... and we do feel very blessed. Thanks for coming along with us!

  2. He is a master artist. I'm astounded daily! Beautiful captures!

    1. I missed you, Cat... so nice to see you out and about again. You've been in my thoughts sweet friend.

  3. What a wonderful tradition and a beautiful place! It's refreshing to know that in some locations, the blooms have just started.

  4. Those are lovely photos of great views. The flowers are pretty also. :)
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. You are a devoted commenter here. It is much appreciated.

  5. Oh MY! What a wonderful way to start my day off! Smiling, and haven't even had my coffee!
    Thanks for sharing The MASTERS garden! ( they are all his of course, gifts in every shade for the joy of tending!

    1. Love it when I make someone smile. Do come again!

  6. Wow, the last photo of mountains is stunning! I'd love to hike there with you! Our Master is perfect gardener and we have to learn.

    1. And I would love to take you. So glad we could share a "virtual" hike together.

  7. Your pictures are beautiful, beyond words!

  8. It lifts my soul when we are allowed to accompany you on this annual hike...what beauty and how refreshing to see God's work unmarred by man so we can still enjoy it and fill our hearts with its splendor!

    1. A sweet comment... wish you could actually be here, Donna. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but actually hiking through those wildflowers is amazing. And to have little ones scampering beside us... truly heaven.

  9. A really uplifting post. I didn't realise that spring reaches the mountains later.

    1. Our world is covered in snow in Winter. It's much colder in the high mountains than it is down here in the Valleys. Once the snow melt ups there... the wildflowers bloom... and it's Springtime in the Rockies!

  10. Just incredible! I was thinking that we earthly gardeners can only hope to reflect a small portion of the beauty of the Master Gardener. How wonderful that you and your family share this experience every year.

    Also, Carolyn, thank you for your kind comment and well wishes on my own blog. I really appreciate it!

    1. You are so welcome, Deb. Hope you feel better soon!

  11. How lovel! Meadows with blooming wild flowers are the best!

  12. I enjoyed my visit to your lovely garden and blog!

  13. Wow, what a wonderful sight! How lucky you are to have this near you.

  14. What an amazing place and those wildflowers are breathtaking! I didn't realize it took so long to melt the snow cap. I find that reassuring. :o)

  15. Hi Carolyn! It was so nice to see your post over at my blog!:D I always love hearing from you. I hope you find something you really like over in the lamps section of JC Penneys!
    You know, it's funny that out of all the wooly oriented people that follow my blog not one of them has answered my questions about my predicament with my fleece! You are the only one who apparently reads everything I write along with my photos! :D That's why you are one of my "bestest" blogging buddies:D (I do love making up my own words, giggle)!
    Utah is such a beautiful place... you are truly blessed living in such a gorgeous place!
    Hugs and enjoy the rest of your weekend,
    Beth P


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Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!