
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Our Perfect Day

My Sorbet Garden

The soft pastel pallet of colors in this corner 
remind me of sorbet.

 And it's the perfect place to reflect on Our Perfect Day.

The garden was absolutely beautiful...
but the bride and groom 
were simply radiant.


And yes, I finally get to sit and enjoy...
with my grand-kiddos.

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2013 
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA


  1. Your garden is beautiful and I love that birdbath! I've never seen a shiny, blue birdbath before. I want one! I'll add that to my list of things to watch for when I shop. :-)

    1. I love the birdbath, too... and so do the birds!

  2. So glad the day was perfect and the gardens added to the dreamy atmosphere especially that sorbet garden!!

    1. Thank you Donna. I'm hoping to show a few pics of the event once they are published. My hands were too busy greeting guests to snap any of my own. We stood in line for two hours, but oh how delightful it was!

  3. Oh, I'm glad it all went so well. And I absolutely LOVE your sorbet garden! Looks like the perfect backdrop for wedding photos!

    1. I love it too... our bride's colors were soft pinks and peach with blue and mint.

  4. Beautiful! And congratulations to the newlyweds!

    1. Thank you, Donna... they come home from their Honeymoon today... so anxious to see them!

  5. That is a beautiful bed. Wonderful just to sit and look at it and then see all the loveliness on behind it also.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  6. I'm so glad your day was perfect! how could it not be in such a beautiful place? congratulations!

  7. I love that birdbath with the birdhouse. Congratulations!! I'm glad it went so well, and I'm sure your garden was the perfect place for a wedding! Now you can relax :)

    1. The last family left yesterday... what a glorious time we've had!

  8. What a pleasant little space! I just saw a birdbath like that at our local Agway but I am having to rethink my birdbath as our new neighbors have a cat that they let roam freely... I'm really bummed about it and Raphael, my Indoor cat doesn't care too much for this other cat coming into His yard! lol! Lots of hissing going on...! Congratulations, I know it was a beautiful day! :D
    Happy July 4th my dear friend,
    Beth P

    1. I did have a happy day with my daughter's little family, now they are on their way back home, the last of our family to leave. It's going to be too quiet around here.

  9. My goodness Carolyn !
    So that was the celebration that was going to happen and why the garden was "dolled up" for such a wonderful occasion: ) Congratulations !!
    I'm so glad everything went so well and now ? you can RELAX and enjoy your wonderful garden ... that blue birdbath is spectacular girl ! I love it : )
    Now sit ... relax ... and truly ENJOY all that has gone on in this beautiful place you have crafted !
    Joy : )

    1. Thanks, Joy... I've been working so diligently in my gardens for so long, I'm not sure I can remember how to relax. I do love being in my gardens.

  10. Carolyn, congrats to newlyweds! You organized and worked hard and your garden was stunning! Now you can relax, have a quiet weekend!

  11. Perfect! The newlyweds will always remember how their wedded life began in your wonderful garden. I love the colors; the blue bird bath is inspirational! Enjoy a nice rest and take in the joy that permeates your garden.

    1. Thank you, Deb. Today is the first day without little ones under foot... already missing them!

  12. wow you had a wedding in your garden? How wonderful. I don't know how I missed that. Your sorbet garden is awesome.

  13. Perfect day ... perfect garden ... love the splash of colour with the birdbath

    1. Thanks, Linda. We had such fun adding the special touches to the garden.

  14. That's a beautiful border - I like the colours and the birdbath. What a great p lace for a wedding!

  15. This does look like a perfect place! Enjoying it with family makes it even better. Wish you could have come to the garden soirée. I really enjoyed it.

    1. Thanks Tammy. Each year I think... this is the year! But then something comes up that needs my attention more. Some day. Maybe we could arrange to meet there. :)

  16. Carolyn I'm so glad it didn't rain and the gardens looked pristine and something out of a gardening magazine. It must be a lovely backdrop for all those wedding photos.

    1. You are so kind. We're anxiously awaiting those photos.

  17. You must be so happy, and everything looks so tidy, and colorful.


    1. Truly one of those special days in your life that you dream of, Jen.

  18. What a beautifully designed garden you have. I love the soft pastel colors set off by the green. We have enjoyed many wonderful days in Salt lake, especially Red Butte gardens. Gorgeous setting against the back drop of the mountains.

    1. We feel very blessed to live here, snuggled up close to the mountains.

  19. Très belle scène de jardin. Bonne journée Carolyn.

  20. Congratulations! I hope the heat let up a bit for the reception. Last Sat. we had 22 people for dinner in our backyard after my youngest sister went through the temple before going on her mission in a couple of weeks. I've been telling my husband that someday I'll have a reception in my backyard - if all my kids marry in December, then I'll recruit someone else - and then I can die happy. He just chuckles and maybe rolls his eyes, but then he helps with the heavy lifting out there anyway.

  21. What an honor to host your special day at your own home! And your garden is obviously up for the task, it's lovely!


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