
Friday, June 7, 2013


I wait all year for these beauties to bloom... 
but oh-h-h...
 they're so worth the wait!

Paeonia lactiflora 'Krinkled White'

This is my favorite.
The blooms are large... 5 to 6 inches across in the sunlight.
Then at night, they gently close. 
When I sleep, they sleep.
But as soon as the morning sun caresses their lovely petals 
they open up wide with delight.

The whole idea just tickles me.

Paeonia lactiflora 'Karl Rosenfeld'

 This is the same peony that grew in my Mother's garden...
that grew in my Grandmother's garden...
that now grows in my garden.

It always blooms the week after Krinkled White 
begins to bloom in my gardens.

Paeonia lactiflora 'Sarah Bernhardt'

Sarah Berhardt blooms exhuberantly.
The blooms are so large and so heavy with several on a stem
that they really do need to be staked. 

I use old tomato cages that I've cut to fit... works perfectly.

Only three more weeks until our glorious event in the gardens.

♥  ♥  ♥

Next post will highlight the containers I've planted...
including a few serendipitous surprises 
that will surely make you smile. 

Stay tuned!


  1. Elles sont très jolies ces pivoines. Des photos magnifiques. Bonne fin de semaine.

    1. "They are very pretty these peonies. Beautiful photos. Good weekend."
      Thank you! And I hope your weekend is wonderful, too!

  2. Carolyn girl I love your peonies , especially Krinkled White .. there is something about white in the garden that just spreads smiles ? .. Your description of how they sleep when you sleep is wonderful .. as if they are waiting just for you in the morning to show their beauty off to : )
    I have "Flame" and "Green Lotus" .. Flame is older and a single type .. Green Lotus I just planted last fall and is a lactiflora .. I think I have to wait another year for some flowers from her .. and .. I use tomato cages for all sorts of support .. even some ornamental grasses that little creatures bend down to sleep in (naughty !!)
    Beautiful post !
    Joy : )

    1. Thank you, Joy. I agree with you about spreading the smiles. I do wish these blooms would last longer. Thankfully, as their blooms fade, there's always something else waiting in the wings to take center stage. The delphiniums are patiently waiting their turn.

  3. I had forgotten the beauty of peonies until just this year finding them in a catalog and remembering my childhood days where this beautiful plant seemed to be everywhere! I have plans for quite a few of these girls to go in my garden this coming fall! Keep your fingers crossed for me! :D
    Beth P

    1. Oh I will... hope you find just the right variety of your childhood memories!

  4. I love that 'Krinkled White'. I like single flowers and also white flowers. The peonies I have are red or pink, but I'd like a white one.

    1. Krinkled White will never disappoint, that's for sure!

  5. Beautiful! I don't have any peonies in my garden...why? I need to add some. I love that you grow the same one that has been grown by your family for generations!

    1. My gardens are much like a memory book for me. So many blooms have a story to tell. That will surely be a post someday. And yes, you do need to find some peonies.

  6. Your Peonies are beautiful Carolyn and you do well keeping them upright. Love all the choices you've made.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  7. Boy we are behind as the peonies are still not open with our cool weather. Can't wait to see those surprises...

    1. And I thought ours were late... hang on... sunshine is coming.

  8. Carolyn, the first photo is wonderful, white peony!
    It's my dream, to have the same one. Mine are in buds now, red and pink ones.
    Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thank you, Nadezda. I hope your dream comes true.

  9. Beautiful peonies! They are my favorite too - so romantic and old-fashioned. 'Krinkled White' is an especially elegant one.

  10. They are beautiful! I like the idea of tomato cages staking them up as they look very good!

    1. They are fabulous... can't see them for the foliage.

  11. I also have Krinkled White, my favorite too.

  12. The only peony I have is Sarah B, too. Yours are beauties!!

    1. They are beauties, but I have to learn to prune the buds that want to hop a ride with another on a single stem. Even with the cages they are just so heavy they can hardly keep their heads up. I've seen as many as four of those gorgeous blooms on a single stem.

  13. come, come to Feedly with me. It is almost the same as Google Reader. Only better. Use the mini toolbar, and the user forum. I hate change, was wary at first, but I do, like it.

    Somehow paeonies are like roses, only better, blowsier, voluptuous - where roses are polite and sociable.

    1. Yes! You are so right... peonies are voluptuous. Perfect description. But alas they are not as enduring. Our crazy weather became so hot so quickly that these voluptuous blooms only lasted days. Heartbreaking when you wait all year for them to blossom. Feedly is inviting... no time now to investigate. So much still to do before our Celebration.

  14. Oh peonies...your beauty surpasses that of any other flower in the spring garden...


  15. Such glorious blooms! Thank you for sharing them with us.

  16. The single blooms of the peony Krinkled white look quite exquisite.

  17. oh they are so beautiful Carolyn and you've given yours plenty of space too. My favourite like everyone else has mentioned in crinkled white. Mine are slowly being swallowed up by other plants and I think I will have to move them as I can't enjoy the blooms.

    1. I really need to divide mine. The plants are getting quite large. They do need a lot of space.

  18. Your peonies are so gorgeous. Its no wonder that you are so excited. I like the parchment-thin petals - so delicate and the smell is heavenly.

  19. Your peonies are gorgeous. I was thrilled to get 3 blooms on first year plants and I'm already looking forward to next year.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Every year gets better and better. Ours are nine years in this garden.

  20. dear Carolyn, I don't usually love peonies as much as other people do, but that Krinkled White is to die for! Your description of the morning sun caressing their petals is sensual and poetic.

    1. Thank you... if only it lasted longer. Krinkled White did last longer than the other varieties.

  21. Elles sont très jolies vos pivoines. Ma seule pivoine n'a pas fleurie cette année. Bonne soirée.


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