
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Almost Time...Our Sweet Celebration

Exactly one week from this moment... 
the party will be over. 

The final dance will be danced,  
and the last guests will be on their way home to slumber.

And two beautiful sweethearts 
will have joined their hearts into one.

After a morning wedding ceremony
for time and all eternity
in the Salt Lake LDS Temple...

Our youngest son and his beautiful bride 
will greet their quests at a reception held in 
This Grandmother's Garden.

The perfect setting 
for a sweet celebration of their new beginning...
don't you think?

Surely every flower will bloom right on cue...
fulfilling the measure of its creation 
on this glorious day.

(At least, that's the plan.)

Please don't rain... please don't rain!

And this gardener will finally find 
a moment to relax.

Actually there have been two of us working... side by side
every day except Sunday 
                           ...for the last four months.

That's a whole lot of hours in the garden!
Thank you, dear... for doing all the hard stuff.

I'm just the creative inspiration 
behind your muscles. 

I think it's time for us to sit on the bench 
and enjoy our gardens.
Maybe we'll see Mr. and Mrs. Quail out for a walk 
with their babies.

YES! We have babies! But that's another day's post.

Hope you've enjoyed the container gardens... 
I've had such fun creating them!

(Not so much fun trying to keeping them happy 
during the high temps and hot winds.)

All content created by Carolyn Bush | Copyright © 2010 - 2013 
All Rights Reserved | This Grandmother's Garden
Highland, Utah, USA


  1. Well everything sure looks great. That porch photo with the containers is especially beautiful!
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. Carolyn, congratulation to your son and to you, as his mother, as well!
    I love the flowers in containers, especially the last photo, the composition is beautiful!
    Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thank you, Nadezda. We feel very blessed. on many levels... wonderful son has found a beautiful sweetheart... and we still have enough "get up and go" to groom our gardens for a grand celebration.

  3. The garden is looking absolutely gorgeous! I just love that blue bicycle in the garden! Congratulations to your son, and I'm sure the day will be just beautiful!

    1. I was tickled to find that bicycle... wishing now I had planted it a little differently. It's been struggling in the heat.

  4. Your planters look fantastic, and of course your garden is the perfect setting for the reception. I'm sure it will go off without a hitch. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you, Beth. Trying to keep it all alive is a trick... our city has imposed mandatory water restrictions. Not enough snow pack last Winter. I just need it to look nice until Thursday. :)

  5. I think you are very ready! Everything looks beautiful!!

    1. Thank you. Still grooming here and there... hot winds whipped through the gardens that left it's toll. Ahhh... such is gardening. You take it as it comes and are grateful for what you have.

  6. All your beautiful creation is born of love...and they have grown incredibly from that love...the containers are gorgeous and your creative flair amazing my dear friend...much happiness and best wishes to you and yours!! Once you get that chance to sit and breath, stay there for a deserve it!

    1. Your thoughts bring a smile, Donna. I'm reflecting on my musing with a plant I rescued from Home Depot... could sense its relief to finally be in a real garden with birds and bees and room to grow and out of the ridiculously cramped quarters it was trying to exist in. I do love to garden. I need to stop going to those big stores... every plant seems to whisper as I walk by... pick me, pick me. Kind of like I imagine an orphanage must be like. Thank you for your sweet wishes. You are a dear friend.

  7. It looks beautiful Carolyn. I remember your hard-working husband from the patio posts. What great role models both of you are for the young couple.

    1. Thank you for your sweet words. We do know the joys of working hard... and it's rewarding to see that each of our eight children have also embraced those values and are teaching them to our grandchildren. We know how to do hard stuff. :)

  8. Gorgeous! Your garden will be the perfect place for the reception and a real memory maker. Your hard work shows, and I hope that afterwards you will be able to enjoy more than a few moments sitting on that bench!

    1. One more day... and we're so ready. Looking forward to sitting on the bench with grand-kiddos.

  9. I am thinking about you today, Carolyn, and hoping it is not raining on your beautiful garden -- the perfect venue for a wedding. Blessings to the bride and groom! P. x

    1. It was truly the perfect day, Pam. Thank you for your sweet wishes.

  10. What an exciting event. I know it's a lot of work but I hope at least one of my three children get married in my garden.

    1. And I hope it happens for you, too, Carolyn. Surely a dream come true. Keep wishing!

  11. Those flower containers are fabulous! If you see any missing from your yard, it's because I snuck in and toted them off! LOL...

    1. You make me smile... if they disappear, I'll be on the look-out for you.


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!