
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Crazy. Absolutley Crazy. May 2013 GBBD

In April, Garden Bloggers Bloom Day began with snow...

Periwinkle Peeking Out from Snow

followed by three straight weeks of low temps well below freezing.

But today on this 15th day of May... 
we're having a HEAT wave.

The Hottest temperatures EVER recorded for this time of the year.
 High was 93°F on Monday.

Today only 88°F.
Absolutely CRAZY.

A very late start to our Spring, indeed,
but the SUNSHINE and hot temps of this week
have everything turned up to turbo speed.

Here's a few of the perennials blooming in my gardens 
on this May GBBD...

These blooms are survivors. 
They sleep during the harshest of winters 
then peek out from the soil when the sun warms the earth.
It really is quite amazing. 

'Chocolate Chip" Ajuga with Snapdragons soon to POP!

The dainty blue flowers of this Ajuga is a delight 
from Spring to early Summer. 
Deer resistant and prefers shade with morning sun,
it's hardy but not too invasive.

Do you know my name?
 I really have know idea what this bloom is 
but I do know that it's a beauty.
Purchased several seasons ago at a clearance sale ... with no tag.
It loves living in my gardens 
and happily blooms all throughout the summer.

Hannah from Weeding on the Wild Side has identified my little beauty... Astrantia
With further research I've discovered it is actually 
Astrantia 'Moulin Rouge'.

Sir James Edward Smith (1759-1828), one of the most preeminent British Botanist of the late 17th and early 18th century said this of my beautiful little bloom: “The more refined admirers of Nature” rate Astrantia among their favorite blossoms. The flowers bloom like tiny enchanting fireworks: a starburst of bracts surround the spray of small flowers and splashy groups of buds shoot out from branched stems like the finale on the Fourth of July.

Yes, that describes my little bloom to a tea 
and since it surely is a favorite bloom of mine 
I will gladly accept the title of 
one of "the more refined admirers of Nature".  

'Tiny Rubies' Dianthus
 Tiny little blooms no more than half an inch
will cover this globe shaped plant through June.
Sweet and delicate, it's one of my favorites.

 Windflowers belong to the Anemone family...
their tall delicate stems sway in the slightest breeze.
One of my favorite white flowers of my gardens.

And soon to arrive... if the sun decides to stay...

Peony Buds

 Peonies will soon begin to unfurl their tight little balls of bud
to become the stars of our perennial garden.

Wait for it...
wait for it...

Iris Bud

 Unless the Iris beats them to it!
 Oh but there's much more blooming in my gardens... 
stay tuned for the Parade of Annuals we're planting 
for the BIG celebration coming to my gardens.

Spending all my time in the gardens 
sprucing up the old and planting the new...

it's gonna be amazing.

If my tired old bones can keep up the pace.

Grateful for GBBD that brought me in from the gardens 
to create this post.  ;)


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your freakish weather, I can commiserate from my 6 years in Denver. But I did have very rich soil that grew great vegetables. Your mystery red flowers are Astrantia, I don't know the variety, I think there are several reds. I love your cute little pinks. It looks like spring is on the way!

    1. Thank you, thank you Hannah... for solving the mystery. Please enjoy a little "Link Love" for sharing your wisdom.

  2. OMG Caroline, you still have snow! We are in the diametrically opposed barometric conditions, as we just past the height of our temperatures highest this year at 36.6°C. I said past because it has been raining a few minutes for the last 3 afternoons, certainly giving a good feeling for us while commuting from office to home. Your gardens are showing great promise of blooms, hope you have warmth soonest.

    1. The snow was April's Bloom Day surprise. Right now we are in a heat wave. Hoping for cool down back to normal this weekend. Thanks for visiting!

  3. We have also had a cold spring, but I think you can beat us on that score. Hope your weather does improve. You do have some lovely flowers in spite of it all.

    1. Thank you, we did lose a favorite tree and several bushes due to the cold. A warm couple of weeks in March awakened the buds, then weeks of low 20's sealed their fate. But we're moving forward. So much to do!

  4. Carolyn, you are right: the weather is unpredictable this year.
    We have hot wave too, usually May is cool here.
    I love Ajuga as well, it does not afraid of any weather, we call it 'survived'.
    Can't wait to see your peonies!

    1. Weather is back to normal this weekend. Cool temps and rain. I love rain after planting... magic elixir for my freshly planted blooms.

  5. We have been having cold weather since Sunday past and my poor plants don't know what to do! I am most worried about the babies I just put in over the last few weeks and my peony that I just planted last fall! Some of my lilies are not looking too happy either. I even had the heat on in the house yesterday! YIKES! I know we are just going to go straight into summer with blazing heat, yes we get hot and miserably humid here in the highlands of New Hampshire! I do so dislike humidity... *sigh*
    Your flowers are looking so beautiful now... I am green pea envious :D
    Beth P

    1. I've learned that the weather is what it is... no use complaining, but somehow it makes us feel better? Much better to go with the flow. Maybe it will be Spring for you this week?

  6. Carolyn - it looks like it's all coming together in your garden. I think the next few weeks for those of us in similar climates are going to produce an abundance of heavenly garden delights!
    I love Astrantia - they do well in my garden. The pollinators love it! The do lift and divide quite easily but can sulk for a year afterwards by producing no flowers!

    1. Now that I know the name... I'll look for more. They really are enchanting little blooms!

  7. Lovely blooms...and your mystery flower is indeed of my absolute faves...I wish I had room for many more of them :-)

    1. And I do, too, Scott. Makes me wonder why I've never come across this beauty before.

  8. Crazy indeed...we had snow in April and May and then we had hot and dry weather and then a freeze...but we did not have the heat you had which I am grateful for...and with all this weather we are still a week or so behind...pace yourself!

    1. Trying to pace myself. We aren't as resilient as we age. Good thing it's a labor of love.

  9. I just discovered your blog through the Utah Garden Blog website. I have enjoyed looking at several of your posts. Your photography is beautiful. Thanks for including so many pictures of the plants in your garden. We have had crazy weather this spring! I am excited to see so many of my favorite plants starting to bloom as well. I have website were I share my flower discoveries in books, travel, Utah gardens and my art.

    1. So glad you found me, Tammy. There aren't very many of us Utah garden bloggers. I'll be right over to visit you!

  10. Gosh, you really caught up fast! My Peonies are just starting to form buds, and the Bearded Irises are far from blooming yet. Yes, I've seen Astrantia on other people's blogs--beautiful plant! Great May Bloom Day post!

    1. It is amazing how fast things started moving here with the warmer temps and sunshine. Hang in there, Beth... it's coming your way.

  11. Good, someone figured out the mystery plant, I read that and said it's astrantia...and there it was.

    We had the same kind of weather as you did, snow the week before the heat wave. Plants sure do catch up fast, and yours look beautiful.


    1. Thank you, Jen. Astrantia must not be common here... this is the only one I've ever encountered. Always a thrill to "adopt" an orphan that turns out so lovely.

  12. Your tough survivor blooms are lovely! Weather is a constant source of amazement. Last week we had very cool temps, but finally we are headed into the eighties and summer's humidity seems to have arrived overnight. But we haven't got into the 90s yet! I am surprised you beat us!

  13. It's not a contest I wanted to win, Deb. :) Thankfully it cooled down considerably this weekend. Yesterday was even a bit cold.

  14. Carolyn, You have some beautiful blooms in spite of the crazy weather! My blooms are a couple of weeks behind here. And the heatwave hit today! I look forward to seeing the result of your hard work in your beautiful garden. P. x

    1. The heat wave will surely send your garden into bloom-time Pam. Thankfully we've cooled down quite a bit.

  15. Carolyn, fantastic pictures of your plants and such variation in temperatures. No chance of getting as high as 93f here even in the height of Summer. Off topic but I thought you may be interested. I have a plugin which checks for broken links and your blog is always one of them. I found out what the problem is and manually fixed the most recent comment which you made. The link for your site which you submit has an apostrophe in grandmother's!1! your actual url doesn't have this apostrophe. I just removed the apostrophe and hey presto.

    1. I've noticed that happens occasionally... no idea why. Glad you found a fix!

  16. Thank you for sharing all of your beautiful garden blooms!


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