
Monday, April 15, 2013

Spring Snow... April GBBD

 Early morning snow in my gardens!


Grab a sweatshirt and run out in your PJ's!

There's MAGIC in the gardens
and it won't last long...

Spring Snow always melts so quickly.

Redbuds in Snow

The Redbuds are waiting patiently for sunshine,
and when it comes,
 those tiny little buds will "POP"!

Sweet Reflection

 Can you SEE the magic?

Enchanted Drop of Melted Snow

It's "take my breath away" beautiful!

I told you there was MAGIC in my gardens. 

Blooming Requires... PATIENCE

 All of Nature is waiting patiently...
but Spring is coming sooo very slowly.

Sensation Lilac

 Buds are tiptoeing cautiously...
Is it going to be SUNNY or SNOWY?
Warm or Cold?

Maple Leaf Babies

Is it safe to come out yet?
I don't think so, 

Didn't you hear?
There's more SNOW in the forecast.

Pretty Periwinkle Peeking Out from Snow
Real Blooms!
 Contrary to what you may think,
these little buds and blooms will be just fine.

This is Spring in Utah.


Though I do think 
they're BRAVE little souls.

Don't you?

Join Carol at May Dreams Gardens 
to find more blooms all over this beautiful world.


  1. It is pretty to look at but I hope the blooms do not mind this snowy covering for a short spell.

    1. They don't seem to mind at all... unless the snow is accompanied by the Highland winds, then it doesn't turn out so pretty. That happened last week. Tulips that were blooming were ravaged. Thankful we planted many varieties that bloom in waves or I would have been very sad.

  2. Incredible shots, Carolyn! You must have been so inspired. Happy GBBD!

    1. It really was a magical moment to capture those images...the temp was 24°F so I moved quickly.The snow was all melted by noon.

  3. How pretty! Love the shots of the redbuds. Is snow at this time of year a normal occurrence where you are in Utah? Happy GBBD!

    1. Yes this is the way that Spring rolls in Utah. But I really don't mind when it makes for such beautiful images. The plants rarely suffer as the snow acts as a warm blanket to protect the plants from the cold temps.

  4. The snow on the redbud is just magical. If it makes you feel better, we have snow in the forecast for Friday and Saturday.

    1. Ahh, Spring... I've decided the back and forth between the weather may not be so bad. I work so hard on the good days that my sore muscles are thankful for a break on the cold/snowy/rainy days

  5. Karin/Southern MeadowsApril 16, 2013 at 4:25 AM

    Very inspiring captures! Redbud is such an excellent tree and you captured it so well! Very moving!

  6. Alistair CruickshankApril 16, 2013 at 6:03 AM

    Very magical indeed as is your makeover.

    1. So sorry Alistair. I'm ready to leave Disqus, a month ago they made major changes that have not made commenting user friendly. They are quick to acknowledge ny concerns, but very slow indeed to correct the problems. Lat night they had a major meltdown... I'm surprised anyone to comment. Thank you for persevering.

  7. Donna@Gardens Eye ViewApril 16, 2013 at 7:12 AM

    Carolyn these are enchanting pictures of garden magic...I love the colors of the buds and snow...your garden is far ahead of mine...I sent you an email about winning some seeds. :)

  8. The tulips are beautiful! And the redbud looks so anxious to burst open - if only the snow would quit coming! They are much more patient than I! Beautiful photos.

    1. Would you believe they still have not popped?

  9. Oh what beautiful redbud photos. I have the tree but it is too cold here for it to flower. It's always the last plant in the garden to come into leaf.

    1. The flower buds are among the first to come on our gardens. After they bloom it will take some time before the leaves appear. If we don't get some sunshine soon, that may be mid July. (JK)

  10. Your photos of the redbud blooms are magical. The spring snow looks pretty but I don't want any.

    1. Thank you Carolyn! It's really not so bad... it usually melts very soon. This year the bother is the low temps... below freezing forever! The highs haven't been much above freezing.

  11. great photos, it must be good to see some signs of spring.

  12. Magnifiques photos! Sûrement la dernière neige dans votre coin. Belle journée à vous!

    1. Translated:
      Beautiful photos! Surely the last snow in your area. Nice day to you!

      Thank you Josee!

  13. Gorgeous photos, especially the ones of the redbud. It's hard to imagine still having to deal with snow. I hope that by now the tulips and other spring bloomers are in full force, and the snow is gone!

    1. Snow is gone from my gardens... still in the mountains and foothills above us. Sun in the forecast for the next ten days... Yippee!


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