
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It's an Absolute KNOCKOUT...

Don't you agree?

Any angle you view it from...


 in bud or in bloom...

It's simply delicious to look at.

Introducing... the newest stars of my garden...

 The Pink Double Knock Out® Rose

 Knockouts are my "go to" rose to brighten my landscape...
 perfect for my hot summers and cold winters.

William Radler's motivation for developing The Knock Out® Family of Roses was old age. 
He didn't want to give up his roses when he got old 
 so he bred a rose that would be low maintenance!

Listen to William's own tips on growing Knockouts here.

♥ ♥ ♥

Just bought 16 of these beauties... 

We're sprucing up the landscape for a sweet celebration. 
More details to follow... stay tuned!


  1. Knock Out is a perfect name for that rose. It's GORGEOUS! WOW!

    My favorite go to, dependable rose is Hot Cocoa. It thrives year round where I live. It blooms like crazy. It has the shiniest, green leaves of any rose I've ever seen. And, it's beautiful.

    Your yard is going to look amazing with all of those rose bushes. It'll be a "knock out". :-)

    1. Oh I could love a rose named "Hot Cocoa". I'll have to look that one up.

  2. wow that is awesome - it doesn't seem so long ago that you post a snow photo... I love this move from white to hot pink!

    1. These roses are still in their pots, tucked away safely in my garage...hard freeze is expected tonight. Soon as it gets warm enough through the night, they'll be planted.

  3. That is some beautiful and bright pink. Sure makes you take notice. That is a lot of plants, will be interesting to see them planted out.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. The color is described as Bubblegum Pink. I'm replacing tired 11 year old knockouts that have seen their prime, that, plus the harsh winter played havoc on them. Out with the old... in with the new. The color is perfect for our "celebration" to be announced later. :)

  4. Oh my what a lovely rose! I just ordered my first ever rose - a New Dawn to climb up and over the front mud room on my house, er barn, LOL! I chose a pale pink, I seem to be on a pink thing this year :D Your garden is going to be even more of a knockout! :D giggle...
    Hugs and enjoy your day my friend,
    Beth P

    1. Be sure to post pictures when it blooms, sweet friend!

  5. It sure is!! Love it!!

  6. Carolyn these are gorgeous and will be extra special for your celebration. I have several around my veg beds.

    1. Oh that sounds like a lovely way to elevate a vegetable garden to "beautiful".

  7. Yes, definitely a Knock Out! It really wakes you up!

    1. Six of them planted Saturday... ten more to go... today. Loved waking up to the scene from my office window. Now we pray that no more freezing temps come... we're gambling that it won't... frost free date here is after Mother's Day.

  8. Wow! A real Knock Out for the eyes! Congratz! Your Garden will shine from now.

  9. The color is so bright and cheerful! My mother-in-law has some, and they are all starting to go to town. I'm hoping they will come out with Knock-out roses in more colors and forms - it's such a nice, low-maintainence rose!

    1. Go to their website, Indie. They have several that I wasn't aware of... a yellow variety that has a sweet aroma. (Most knockouts have no scent.)

  10. What a colour! I LOVE it! What an addition to your celebration!

    1. Yes, we think this color is a knockout, too!

  11. Knock Outs have bloomed up to ten months out of the year in my garden. They are fabulous landscape roses.

    1. Ten months is great, Deb. We think they're fabulous as well, but I was surprised at all the naysayers I found on the web. It seems that either you love them or you don't. Maybe they behave differently in other climates.

  12. What a beautiful shade of pink; grouping them together should make an awesome display.

  13. Fantastic colour Carolyn
    So you have bought 16, wow, you do things big in the States! Here in Yorkshire I just buy one! Seriously you are quite right and bold plantings of roses create a wonderful display.

    1. I have a lot of ground to cover so sixteen doesn't seem like much at all now that they are all planted. I've planted them in linear groups of three to define my berms. They look beautiful. I pruned all but a few blossoms from the plants as I want them to be in their glory the end of June. May is definitely way too early for roses here.

  14. Oh those are beautifully pink, and luscious.

    I have a Carefree rose, the knockouts that I found last year were no where as beautiful as yours..

    Can't wait to see them bloom.


    1. I only use the "Knockout" brand. And I'm never disappointed.

  15. To me the best news is the low maintennance part. I wouldn't want a plant that is a primadonna and we end up being its slave.

    1. I've used knockouts in my landscape for more than ten years... love them!

  16. A pure knockout, lets have a look when the whole sixteen are in bloom.


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