
Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Promise of Spring

 Today the warm rays of sunshine melted my last pile of snow.
Just in time for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day!

 And what do we have blooming on this, 
the 15th of March?

Lilac Leaves in Embryo

The PROMISE of Spring!

 The swelling of the buds 
has finally begun!

And just when I thought 
there was only promise to behold...


Sweet Violet viola odorata

I discover my garden's first tiny blooms of the season.
 Seriously, the snow just melted from that spot a few days ago.

The warmth of the sun's reflection from the rock 
must have enticed them to make their grand appearance. 

So tiny, they measure 1.5 cm (0.6 inches) across. 
 But to me it's a huge discovery...

Our Spring has begun! 

Visit Carol at May Dreams Garden 
to see what's blooming in other gardens around the world. 

Welcome to my gardens! 
Your visit here is cherished and your comments  
the sweet nectar that keeps me posting! 
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  1. Yay! Spring! I love those little violets. I can't wait until they're popping up all over my yard, too. Right now in SE Wisconsin, our snow is gradually melting down, but we're supposed to get another round of it later today. I'm hoping it won't last long.

  2. Way too early for violets here. I was relieved to see you spelled the French voila! and the Latin viola correctly. It always bothers me to see the French exclamation spelled like a flower.

  3. Barbara Lilian in FranceMarch 15, 2013 at 8:48 AM

    Love the picture of the tiny pretty violets. 5 days ago in my garden in central France I found 1 in bloom in my garden. now after a few days of sunshine, there are lots of little patches making the grass look like a patchwork quilt of violets. ( the English name)

  4. Donna@Gardens Eye ViewMarch 15, 2013 at 11:00 AM

    Well we had a tease f spring but the snow has returned as is not supposed to leave until maybe next weekend. Love the violets.

  5. Lovely violas! Spring is really different around the world,
    even in the northern hemisphere. Here in London it is a long, drawn out affair
    that never seems to end with bleak sunshine and bitterly cold wind. Not much
    snow though, I think we have had one day with settled snow so far in my garden.
    But it has been much colder and less sun than usual, my garden is about 3-4
    weeks late. That’s late! I am ready for a proper spring!

  6. Oh, those violets are such a welcome sight, aren't they? I noticed lilac buds on my shrub, too. Yes, it may still be a bit chilly, but it's exciting to know that spring is on its way. Happy Bloom Day!

  7. Welcome to my gardens, Ramona... so glad you came. Our forecast says more snow for Sunday, Spring snow doesn't stay for long. (Looking on the bright side.)

  8. Funny... my honey and a couple of my children are French speakers and they'd be sure to tease if I got that wrong.

  9. Isn't sunshine simply amazing?

  10. Your gardens seem to frolic back and forth between the seasons like mine... not such a bad idea. As long as Spring wins in the end.

  11. And isn't it wonderful to see Spring from so many different places through our blogs? So glad you came today!

  12. And to you, too! Thanks for dropping by!

  13. Hi Carolyn! Thank you for your recent visit! I guess I need some tutoring to be able to Disable right clicks. Do you suppose you could give me some advice? Thanks!

    Your post is so Spring-y! Looking forward to working outdoors soon. :-) Happy eekend!

  14. I love violets. They hold so many fond memories of being a kid.

  15. Rosie Perthshire PhotographerMarch 17, 2013 at 9:19 AM

    So glad to read that you've got a little bit of colour back in the garden Carolyn. ....a sure sign that spring isn't too far away.

  16. Spring in your garden is lovely. I am really looking forward to it this year.

  17. Spring is so lovely in your garden. i am looking forward to spring

  18. Google "disable right-click" and several options will come up to add code to your blog. Choose the one you feel comfortable with. It was quite easy.

  19. Our Spring always requires a good deal of patience. It always comes... just not as quickly as we yearn for.

  20. Thank you, Michelle. And thanks for visiting! DIsqus changed their format this week...not really liking it, yet. Not sure how you became a "Guest".

  21. Carolyn, so good to see your beginning of Spring and who wouldn't like those tiny Violas. A couple of weeks ago Spring started to appear but unfortunately it is rather wintry at the moment.

  22. Carolyn,nice signs of spring! My lilac is still sleeping, but its buds are getting bigger. I'm glad spring came to your place!


  23. Ahhh... the back and forth of Spring and Winter... I suspect we will have that too. We always do. Wishing you sunshine!

  24. Baby steps toward Spring... just one tiny little plant blooming, but it is a little beauty!

  25. I just recently found your blog. I am learning so much from your information. Lovely photos as well.

  26. So glad you found me! It's nice to know when someone enjoys what I do here. Thank you!


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!