
Tuesday, March 12, 2013


The sun is shining today... 
only a few piles of snow remain in the dark shadows of my garden.

Maybe by tomorrow they will, like magic... disappear!

Spring 2012

And then Spring can begin to make her grand entrance 
into my gardens.

Spring 2012

I can hardly wait!

Snow has been in our gardens 
since mid-December... 
I'm so ready for Spring.

♦  ♦  ♦

I'm linking to Kim Klassen for

 I've used Kim's edith texture from the downton collection.

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  1. I'm so ready, too, Carolyn. I think we're the last to lose the snow this year, here in the northern Midwest. Still more than a foot of snow covering my early spring bloomers, and gentle, puffy snowflakes are dancing outside my window. Oh well ... it sure is pretty!

  2. It is pretty and I've certainly enjoyed my Winter Whites this season. We've had a couple of warm days and it has melted very quickly. Of course it can always snow again... many years we have snowfall in April. It never lingers long this time of year... thankfully. Here's hoping your snow days are numbered!

  3. beautiful photos and i so understand what you are saying about being just on the cusp of spring . . . here too there is only snow in the shadiest parts of the garden and where there isn't if one looks closely enough, there are living signs that it's bursting forth right under our feet~!

    :- )

  4. Such vibrant red buds, definitely a sign of spring.

  5. It's always exciting to see the buds swelling! We have been spotting the willow trees with a hint of green tips!

  6. Jen @ Muddy Boot DreamsMarch 13, 2013 at 9:29 AM

    And what stunning plant is that? Love the red's not a Witchhazel is it? We got more snow Serves me right for cleaning up the garden.


  7. I can relate .... oh spring, get here quickly! It has been warm enough here for the grass to begin growing (almost a foot tall in some spots) but so, so wet, I can barely walk around my garden beds. I'm still keeping the flippers by the back door ;>/

    Love those beautiful red buds!

  8. Donna@Gardens Eye ViewMarch 13, 2013 at 12:33 PM

    Lovely pictures....the snow melted here and as I write this it is snowing again and we expect several inches...but it will be gone in a few days and spring will have a chilly start.

  9. I'm soooo done with winter as well.

  10. Oops, wasn't finished.....Love your blossoms from last year!

  11. I am so ready for Spring too. But we're down below 20 this morning. Really thought those days were over for the season. Hopefully this is the last. Better than last March though when everything in my garden was growing and then in April had the freezes. Have a great day.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  12. This week has been our first warm days... wisdom tells me snow may appear again in my gardens, but usually only for a day or two. And we usually aren't frost free until mid-May. Wonder what this year will bring.

  13. Thank you... not so patiently waiting for something to bloom... actually a little green in my gardens would be welcome.

  14. We seem to share the same climate... a tug of war between Winter and Spring.

  15. Warm enough is what I'm waiting for :)

  16. Jen, I have no idea what it is. It's a tree planted in the common area of my neighborhood that I can see from my back porch. It forms those amazing little blooms before the leaves come. I find it simply enchanting.

  17. Oh we do get excited over the slightest hint of Spring, don't we? Patience.

  18. Yes they are, just needs to be a bit warmer here to see them emerge this season.

  19. I walked through my gardens this morning and you're right... gotta look very closely. We need more sunshine!

  20. What an interesting plant! I have never seen anything quite like it. The blooms are so striking against the white branches. I thought spring was here, but today is FREEZING, so it's not yet time to put away the winter coats!


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