
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Still Dreaming of Spring

My Dream of Spring... 

is one full of life.

Sweet melodies of redheaded songbirds 
early in the morning... 
their ode to the new day.

Butterflies and dragonflies
dancing through the vibrant blooms in my gardens.

Swelling buds that gracefully give way 
to tender leaves of green.

The "woosting" of hummingbird wing
as they swiftly fly by. 

  Ahhh, this is my Dream of Spring...

but I'm still patiently anxiously waiting here.

28°F in my gardens this morning
with the promise of loads sunshine today.

(All of today's images were found dancing in my archives.)

Welcome to my gardens!
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  1. Sorry to hear that you are shivering over the other side of the pond. We are in an unusual spell of prolonged cold here in the UK with strong cold east winds and a dismal forecast for the next month. In centigrade currency we are about 3 degrees and are also waiting a belated Spring. Lovely pictures Carolyn.

  2. I'm having the same dream Carolyn and we made it over 30 degrees here today. ( I don't compute in Celsius like I'm supposed to in Canada.) The weekend will see temperatures around 40, so that's good news, and I can see tulips and hyacinths poking through now.

  3. Lovely pictures, especially the hummingbird! Things are finally warming up here and I'm sure that soon they will be for you as well. I saw my first crocus bloom today and the leaves of virginia bluebells, daffs and tulips are starting to emerge.

  4. Good thing we have archives, right? And of course, gardening friends around the globe who share their good weather and beautiful sunny garden photos with us! Spring is coming soon, Carolyn. Hang in there!

  5. Actually the "gardening friends around the world who share their sunny pics" is most delightful to me. Always good to know that somewhere in the world at this very moment, the sun is shining.

  6. This post is a wonderful celebration of spring. We seem to have broken through to spring here...temps in the high 40s all week and many bulbs finally popping up...sending spring wishes and warmth your way!


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!