
Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's Spring Fever

"It's spring fever.  
That is what the name of it is.  
And when you've got it, 
you want... oh, you don't quite know what it is you want, 
but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!"
                           ~Mark Twain

The Lion was roaring in my gardens this morning...
the wind was a howling 
and snow was falling sideways.

A white blanket covered the earth.

Then the sun winked his eye 
and poked his head through the clouds 
and laughed as all the snow disappeared.

Now it's a beautiful Spring day.

I think the weather has Spring Fever.

Welcome to my gardens!
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and your comments the sweet nectar
that keeps me posting!
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  1. Here in Ireland we too are still awaiting Spring.

  2. sensible gardeningMarch 21, 2013 at 5:45 PM

    March is such a month of extremes, a few hepaticas and hellebores struggling with the cold. Noticed our wild saskatoon bushes are now fat in bud and the buttercups are bloming. It's a start:)

  3. We are suppose to get snow Sunday. It seems that every year anymore the weather is so off from what is considered normal.
    Cher Sunray

  4. I do in fact have spring fever but Mother Nature doesn't appear to here. We got a fair bit of snow again overnight, and it continues.
    It's always nice to see pretty flowers on a day like this.

  5. That is a fair assessment of March in my gardens and sometimes into April. Oh, I hope not!

  6. It seems that the transition is always a tug of war between Old Man Winter and Spring in my gardens. As long as Spring always wins, I'm fine with that.

  7. Thankful for images in my archives that I can post. The only real color in my gardens is a few little violets next to the warmth of my house.

  8. Well here where I am in central France, spring doesn't know where it's at, one day it's sun & the next cold & snow flurries, but today is glorious 18 deg C. the forecasters say it's not going to last another cold spell due later next week. Oh well, it certainly feels & looks like spring in my garden today.

  9. Donna@Gardens Eye ViewMarch 22, 2013 at 4:43 PM

    Lovely spring look to your is non stop snowing here with no melt as it is too cold....more to come all weekend and next week. Maybe by Easter we may see the garden again and finally have spring.

  10. I think it does too. Ours is up and down this entire week. I'm so ready for spring, but I keep asking the garden to wait.~~Dee

  11. Barbara, we're having the same weather... woke up to 6 inches of snow this morning. It won't last for long though. Spring eventually get's her way.

  12. I'll keep my fingers crossed that we both get Spring for Easter, Donna.

  13. And I'm wanting to get going on the Spring clean-up out there. Plans were foiled this morning... woke up to snow again.

  14. So many people... all across the world waiting... this is good. Thank you for visiting!

  15. All I can say from York UK as a fifty per hour mile 1degree centigrade wind blows is brrrrrr....... And this is forecast to continue all week!

  16. In Edinburgh the snow missed us again. Which you would think is good news but the wind is so cold its unbearable to be outdoors working in it! Winter its time to go!

  17. Jen @ Muddy Boot DreamsMarch 24, 2013 at 8:24 PM

    I love the colors of the images, and the blog...your header is beautiful.

    Spring will come soon to all us us I hope. And I hope that you are feeling better soon.


  18. So sorry... that doesn't sound fun...stay warm!

  19. Thank you,Jen. I've had fun with the changes. I needed a little Springtime, even if it was just on my blog.

  20. Pam's English GardenMarch 25, 2013 at 4:42 PM

    Love the new spring look of your blog, Carolyn. I wish I could make a header like yours but I don't know how. You are very talented! P. x

  21. It snowed here, too, but was gone by afternoon. But I'll take a weird March snow over the Unwinter we had last year. I'm convinced plants grow better after a cold winter.

  22. Thank you, Pam. I learn from google things I don't know, then through trial and mostly error i figure things out.

  23. I agree with you... actually this is rather normal for our Spring. I don't mind the new snow as it always melts quickly. I do long for warmer weather. Patience... I seem to say that a lot.

  24. I finally have a spring banner up, but before that, all my spring was shown through flowers. I love the color popping up in my garden.

    Happy Spring!


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