
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Huge Increase in Blog Stats?

We are bloggers. 
We cheerfully publish our work online 
for all of the world to see.

We are of the 
"If we build it, they will come" mentality. 

And they do come.

 They view our pics 
and read our carefully crafted words.  

 And WE love the connection it brings
to other warm bodies 
who share our passion.

Warm bodies who pull up a chair and sit a spell 
to enjoy what we create. 

Warm bodies who often leave comments
to add their "point of view" to the dialogue. 

Then there are the "not so warm" bodies. 
They come and they go... by the thousands... leaving no trace of their coming 
except for a HUGE increase in our blog stats. 

Ever wonder WHY they come? 
Too busy to stop?
Not interested in the subject? 
Just browsing? 

I can really only guess, 
but I did start to wondering a few weeks ago  
when I noticed my blog stats increasing exponentially 
from a country that has been in the news lately 
for suspected hacking of prominent websites 
such as the New York Times and others. 

So I did a little investigating...

 Since December of 2012, I have received 3313 page views from that very same country... 
and not a single comment.

What could they be looking for?

Very curious indeed. 

Last week, the good people at Google shared this information:
(I'm thinking they may be thinking it's a bit curious, too) 

Read more from Google about internet safety 

Be sure to click on each of the headings to discover the details.

You'll be glad you did. 

And after you've read it... 

Take action!

Do something with what you've learned.
It may save you a little heartache down the road.

It's a really crazy world out there.

Next post I'll share a few more ideas.

Welcome to my gardens!
Your visit here is cherished
and your comments the sweet nectar that keeps me posting!
Please leave your Blog URL so I can visit you!


  1. After not going on my blog for awhile, I went to add a post...and found that was hidden payday loan code in my site. It was easily fixed, but a good reminder to change passwords, update, and backup.

  2. I look forward to reading the information. I haven't noticed a big uptick in my blog's stats, but I have somehow gotten a cyber bully who keeps changing his blog ID and trying to sneak links in his comments. So I now have to moderate comments.

  3. For us newbies, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do...a little lost.

  4. Just saying, if you get a HUGE spike in your stats, it is Referrer spam. That is why I set Blogger stats against StatCounter.
    'Statcounter and Analytics are javascript bases, so only when a javascript enabled browser visits the page do they record a hit. Blogger Stats is server-based, so it shows hits from non-browser visits as well (like spiders)' says David Kutcher

  5. I like your poetic delivery and analytical style. You are on my blogger list of favourite posts

  6. Donna@Gardens Eye ViewFebruary 24, 2013 at 7:35 AM

    Great info Carolyn. I am a Wordpress blogger so my stats come from what Diana described as real stats and not referrers. I will find an increase in spam sometimes and that is 99.9999% caught by my spam filter. I can only imagine what those stats would be if my counter counted them. Pays to be safe. I checked out the Google advice since I am on gmail. Thanks!

  7. You're so right, Diana, I know of Referrer Spam. Having several Stat trackers for my site gives me a clearer understanding of my actuals. What I think is curious is the amount of traffic coming from this particular country. Prior to December, I had none.

  8. Thank you, Donna. As I mentioned to Diana, I also have stat counters that give me actual visits and page views. And blogger spam filter works wonderfully... stops the spam from entering my comment box. I should mention to anyone who reads this, that it's best just to ignore the spam referrers. If we all ignored them, they would go away. NEVER click on any suspicious looking links on your stats page. Your curiosity may open your site to more spam and possibly harmful malware.

  9. Thanks for your visit, Janie. There is so much to learn, isn't there? If you will always remember to leave your website URL when you post a comment, then we can return the visit and you will gain more visitors to your own site.

  10. Oh that doesn't sound good. Your spam filter probably doesn't catch on since he's forever changing his ID. Those rascals!

  11. Thank you, Donna. As I mentioned to Diana, I also have stat counters that give me actual visits and page views. And blogger spam filter works wonderfully... stops the spam from entering my comment box. I should mention to anyone who reads this, that it's best just to ignore the spam referrers. If we all ignored them, they would go away. NEVER click on any suspicious looking links on your stats page. Your curiosity may open your site to more spam and possibly harmful malware.

  12. Thank you, Donna. As I mentioned to Diana, I also have stat counters that give me actual visits and page views. And blogger spam filter works wonderfully... stops the spam from entering my comment box. I should mention to anyone who reads this, that it's best just to ignore the spam referrers. If we all ignored them, they would go away. NEVER click on any suspicious looking links on your stats page. Your curiosity may open your site to more spam and possibly harmful malware.

  13. at least yours came from a country. I got dozens, 10 just on one post, of ads for dumpster rentals from all over the USA. That's what the spam thinks of MY blog!

  14. Carolyn,i am less than a newby,I am just trying to create my blog page-on my I pad so I can't post my page yet,but your site
    Is so beautiful and inspiring,I can't help but visit you! I too am older and my thinker-thingy dozen't work like it used to...

  15. Hello Carolyn girl !
    Great information .. it is a sad fact of life that there will always be some nutcases out to create havoc .. funny enough I don't look at my stats .. I am a very low profile blog so I don't think I would even see huge bumps in stats .. it is really more of an on line garden diary and one meme .. come to think of it ? I am totally boring so hackers would drop off in a nap if they ever came across my blog ! LOL
    Joy : )

  16. I've found that the majority of my webpage views come from people searching google for certain plant names. My most-viewed post is about 'Otto Luyken' laurels. And it doesn't even have great photos! Those search engine viewers don't generally leave comments. Thanks for your helpful video - it's always nice to be reminded about internet safety.

  17. Caroline, thanks for very useful information!
    I sometimes click on suspicious websites, only by curiosity, now I see I couldn't do this.

  18. I love your post and the beautiful tulips in my favorite color! :D I have to go back up to the Google part and read. I just popped over to say Hi and see what you were up to... I'm up to my nose in snow with more in the forecast for tomorrow (Tues) and another storm coming behind that one due the end of the week... wha boo hoo, I want spring...
    Hugs and chat again soon.
    Beth P

  19. Oh so glad to have you here, Erin! Let me know when your blog is up an running so I can visit you.

  20. Oh, Joy. You always make me smile. I rarely look at my stats, either. But Blogger stats are right there front and center when I go to create a new post. At first I was excited to see a new country visiting, then when the number shot up so fast it was a bit alarming, especially when that country is all over the news. My other stat counters show minimal visits from them.

  21. That is quite understandable, VW. You so often give your readers great insight to amazing plants to try.

  22. We are having the same crazy weather here, Beth. Not a sign of Spring to be found. Patience, my dear. I'm afraid I've lost your blog URL... please leave it so I can visit you!

  23. CarolynsshadegardensFebruary 26, 2013 at 6:06 PM

    Thanks for the helpful tips about internet security. I went ot the Goggle site and there was a lot fo good information.

  24. Yes there is... I'm working on my passwords today. Hoping others will take this info seriously.

  25. Hey Girlfriend,
    I was cleaning out some of the blogs I follow, which had accumulated to 500 if you can believe that and I accidentally deleted your blog... YIKES!!! I am so sorry, if you noticed I went missing and I have corrected that gross error quick as a bunny!
    Hope all is well and the weather is treating you better? It is horrible hot and humid here in New Hampshire...what is going on with the weather, eeek!
    Hugs and enjoy the week my friend,
    Beth P


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!