
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Escape to the Archives

We are being buried here.

It's a Winter White out...
and more SNOW!

I need a quick getaway... 
someplace warm... someplace with... color!
These eyes need an escape from all the Winter Whites!


I know, it's the perfect place!

My Archives!
My photo archives are alive with color!

Let's go see...

Ahhh... can you feel the heat?!
Soak it in... soak it in.

How long has it been, little guy?
Long time no see... 
been hanging out in the arc-hives, eh?

Jackmanii Clematis, drenched in golden sunbeams...
Oh, how I've missed you!
So nice to see you again.

Lupines delicately dance toward the sun...
one of my favorite Spring blossoms. 
Their leaves are like little parasols that collect the morning dew.

Cherry Parfait.
The scent is divine.
Can't wait for you to bloom again!

Sensation Lilac... oh my,  
you bloom but a few short weeks 
but your fragrance lingers well beyond in my mind.

So this is where you're hiding!
Dahlias of many variety bring pizzazz to every garden.

Sunny shades of orange 
always make me smile. 
Tuberous Begonias are forever blooming annuals in my gardens.

I could never forget the yellow orange of the Butterfly Weed...
I've got big plans for you, honey.
Planted late in the summer to attract the butterflies... 
I'll be excited to see you again on a warm sunny day!

0h my heart... 
When was the last time I saw red in my gardens...  
way too long ago...
you make my heart sing!

When all the colors dance in the sun...
our patio is my favorite place to be.

"All gardeners live in beautiful places... 
because they make them so!"
                   ~Joesph Joubert

But today... it's Winter, and I'm content to view the patio
from the warm side of the window.

Love living where we celebrate four seasons...
as long as I can escape to the archives whenever I need a break!

How about you? 
What's in your photo archive 
that makes your heart sing?

You might enjoy visiting Muddy Boot Dreams.
She spent a lovely vacation in her archives!

Welcome to my gardens!
Your visit here is cherished
and your comments the sweet nectar that keeps me posting!
Please leave your Blog URL so I can return the visit.


  1. HI! I loved looking at your photos! Gosh they are beautiful! I love gardening too. Joining from grow your blog, and I will follow when Im done here! Dianna

  2. The snow from your windows in the first photo is pretty, and always appreciated from the warm inside looking out. The striking colours of your flowers makes me think I should check my archives.

  3. Lovely. Although I'm not minding the snow too much.

  4. Donna@Gardens Eye ViewJanuary 31, 2013 at 7:58 AM

    I have been posting about flowers I love as we get buried and then we get rain and ice and then snow and then cold and then snow...well you know...your patio looks lovely as it sits and waits for the warm weather to uncover it!

  5. I had very little snow here in Edinburgh and kind of feel left out from the rest of the UK, nevertheless - I'm looking forward to the warmth and sunshine spring will bring with it!
    What a gorgeous set of pictures. That Lupin is stunning - I think I will have to replace most of my lupins this year - they have either been ruined by flooding or are just 'past their best'. Thanks for sharing this look forward!

  6. Jen @ MuddybootdreamsJanuary 31, 2013 at 8:11 AM

    Yes those archives are a different world....a magical, and warm place to live.

    I think I will be spending a bit more time in mine...I'm shivering and waiting for summer.


  7. A dip in the archives is a great diversion!

  8. I'm really not either but it is inspiring to see what awaits me in my gardens when it warms... just a couple more months!

  9. Sounds like Winter. I do love the season.

  10. I have to replace ours occasionally as well... I really think it's the summer heat more than the winter cold. So glad you enjoyed the pics!

  11. Crank up the heat and sip some hot cocoa, Jen. We've still got some Winter left... at least a white Winter is more delightful than a brown.

  12. Lol... I guage my day as to wether the the bird bath is frozen or not... lf it is safe to go outside! Beautiful pictures.

    Many blessings....Brooke

    Here is my new site for my Vintage Inspired Artwork...

    And my original site that focuses on my own photography and projects, Creative Country Mom... My home and gardening site, where I share tutorials, crafts, decor and lots of gardening ideas.

    This week I am starting a new link up party called "Sunday Open House". I hope you will link up this lovely post to share with my readers.

  13. What a wonderful injection of colour - just what the doctor ordered - those hot summer colours seem so far away just now, it feels like they will never return (But they will)

  14. A lovely look back to warmer times. Beautiful images and loads of color. I like your wagon too!

  15. Beautiful warm colours, just enough to lift the spirits and remind you of what's to come.

  16. Ah, yes, it's good therapy isn't it?! And you certainly have some beauties to brighten our days!

  17. beautiful blooms Carolyn, I know what you mean I am suffering cabin fever too, keep warm it looks very cold, Frances

  18. Sandy @ french laundry 132February 2, 2013 at 4:28 PM

    Oh my simply beautiful! I needed this too even though we are supposedly in a mild climate, it's still cold to me because I am such a wimp lol
    Your flowers are amazing and I wish you would put the names of them! I need to know lol

    The snow is very beautiful too!

    I thought I was following you, but I don't see the followers link so I am now signed up for your emails! I can't miss your loveliness!

  19. I love your form of escapism! The good news is that the groundhog didn't see his shadow in our neck of the woods so we're thinking early spring. I wish the same for you!

  20. Hi Carolyn,
    I do the same thing! Although I don't allow myself more than an occasional dip into the archives, lest my spring fever gets totally out of hand. :) Sometimes I just need to see some COLOR! Thanks for your lovely blog. I've been enjoying it.

    My gardening blog is:

    Take care!

  21. Lovely pictures !!!!! I'm pining for Spring !!! all we get is rain rain rain and more rain !!!

  22. Lovely pictures ! I'm waiting eagerly for Spring to come !!! all we get now is rain rain and more rain !!!

  23. ah, thank goodness for your archives bringing a little heat to my bones.

  24. CarolynsshadegardensFebruary 4, 2013 at 6:59 PM

    I really enjoyed escaping to your archives, but I also enjoyed your snow since we haven't had a real snow storm all winter. Keep warm and vibrant.

  25. It sure does good to see the garden full of color again! It's funny, I wrote a post just like that not too long ago. Desperate for flowers, I went looking in my archives!

  26. Yes and I think I would be bored if they bloomed all year.... I do love the seasons.

  27. Thanks, Donna... I had to wear sunglasses when I was making the post. It was so bright!

  28. Thanks for visiting, Sandy. You are in my reader. If emails bother you, just click on the orange RSS feed button in my sidebar to subscribe.

  29. SO glad you enjoy your visits! Stay warm!

  30. Yes, but all that rain rain rain will fill your gardens with blooms blooms blooms!

  31. Oh we have plenty of snow, Carolyn.... enough to share with all. We haven't seen more than a small patch of green in my gardens since mid December. Glad you could escape to my archives!

  32. It sure makes a lovely stacation!

  33. Votre patio est tout simplement magnifique. J'adore!


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!