
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Blooming? In the Deep Freeze of Winter?

 That was the question I asked myself this morning when I remembered it was Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.
Our gardens are dressed in their Winter Whites
and covered by a deep blanket of snow.

And to say it is cold would be a colossal understatement. 

It is so far beyond cold.

But these are the gardens that celebrate every season,
and while the temps may be in the single digits
there is still beauty to behold.

Patio Planter in Winter

I planted this pot last Spring... with beautiful blooms of Sweet Alyssum and potato vine 
and a sweet little pink petunia with green edges called Pretty Much Picasso.

I loved the combination, though the petunias didn't enjoy the Summer's heat.
I'm feeling sad that I can't find a picture with its sweet color, 
but isn't that the way life goes...
we often take for granted those things that mean the most to us.  

♥  ♥  ♥    

Usually in the Fall, I clean out my garden pots and put them away until Spring, 
when I plant them again... with whatever my heart desires.

And I did...with all my other pots.
But not this one. 

 There was something about this pot that made me smile.
 I couldn't bare the thought of cleaning it out and putting it away for the season.

So, I decided to let it stay...
right in the very spot it has been since I planted it. 
It catches my eye each morning as I open my blinds and look out upon my world...

and it still makes me smile.

It has endured the heat of Summer, 
the winds of Autumn and now the "more than cold" of Winter.

And this is what's blooming in my gardens today...
And I think it is beautiful!

♥   ♥   ♥

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  1. CatharinehowardgardensJanuary 15, 2013 at 3:48 PM

    That Carolyn is absoultely charming

  2. Oh that is awesome! I love the little snowy "flowers" on the ends. Looking at your photos always cools me in down in the intense heat we have during our wet season. I cannot imagine cold like that, hope you find a warm patch near a nice fire.

  3. Aww, sweet! It looks beautiful, Carolyn!

  4. Another season of beauty! The composition of your first photo is stunning! I love the frosted lace of the dried alysum and the lamp post in the background. The bit of grass poking up on the side completes the perfect picture.

  5. That is simply gorgeous! Even though there are no visible flowers in it. It takes on a different beauty underneath all that snow.

  6. I think its a beautiful image, snow in my eyes is beautiful the way it covers the landscape, clings to tree branches its lovely, and to see your little pot sitting there would make me smile as well.

  7. You make me smile... and I always feel warm when I visit your gardens!

  8. Thanks! I do love that little pot, although it will be really nice to plant it again in Spring and have color again.

  9. Ahhh! That grass is actually a patch of sea thrift (bright pink pom pom blooms in Summer). Look close and you'll see one snow covered pom pom left. The birds have picked the others down to twigs.

  10. Thank you Nadia. I must admit, I do really think it is beautiful.

  11. I can't believe the snow! it is so warm in Atlanta, but we are getting some flurries tomorrow. Beautiful blog and photos! Barbara

  12. Donna@Gardens Eye ViewJanuary 17, 2013 at 12:27 AM

    I always wanted to leave out planters but alas I fear they would break or is lovely. We had a warm up and lost all the we are headed into arctic frigid temps and I am sure more snow. I grew the Picasso petunia many summers and it is an amazing flower. I had mine in part shade especially in mid day and they lasted all summer.

  13. Many a time I leave planters out like this - winter really does bring a new dimension to those old stems.

    Carolyn can you contact me via my blog contact me button and I'll see how I can help with your template code. The code isn't working on my own template at the moment but it is when I put it on a blog post. Can you forward me the reply that stipple sent you so that I can see what code suggestions they have for you and I'll see if I can help you get it fixed here.

  14. Flurries? In Atlanta? I din't think your winters included flurries. Thanks for visiting!

  15. This planter is fiberglass and does quite well in all the seasons. What I would do for a warm-up. I'm becoming a hermit. I don't go out unless I have to. Brrr!

  16. I love those photographs! There's a stubborn beauty to them. Though almost squashed by snow, the lacy stems snake out and make their own season--a kind of season of delicate browns. They don't let you forget what was or what will return.

  17. It truly is beautiful beyond compare.~~Dee

  18. I can see why you love that pot. It has such a lovely winter beauty, and your garden is lovely in winter. Over the years, I have come to enjoy the dryness and wilting and bareness of the winter garden.

  19. So much snow, but it's gorgeous :)

  20. Stunning photos. Isn't it wonderful how beautiful snow can look especially when it drapes itself around nature. I LOVE it!

  21. Hi Carolyn, I hope this new year brings you much peace and joy. Your first photo is so lovely and captures perfectly that special beauty of winter. Your recent post showing the details of the mass of white is quite wonderful too. What a marvel it all is.

  22. Thank you, Dee. I think so, too!


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