
Thursday, October 25, 2012

It was Bound to Happen Sooner or Later...

but I'm never quite ready
when it does.

Morning SNOW in our gardens.

Ready or not... 
Winter will soon be coming.

 And today we get a glimpse...
but just a teaser...
it will all be melted by mid-afternoon. 

  Early Fall snow 
is magical

Bright colored blossoms and berries 
peak out from glistening snow.

A perfect blend 
of two seasons colliding.

If the temps are cold enough...
the blooms will freeze.

But sometimes the snow 
becomes a warm blanket...

protecting the tender petals 
from the freezing temps 
and harsh winds.

 Regardless, this is a time of change 
in my gardens.

 And here, 
we embrace change.

 Change brings new adventures
and new discoveries.

 An opportunity to view things

Or perhaps gain a new perspective...
on life!

When was the last time you saw 
tender little begonias 
capped in snow?

 Or Riviera Blue Lobelia
dressed in white?

Or brightly colored pom poms of Sea Thrift
snuggling together with coats on?

I wonder... 
will this Black and Blue Salvia 
that I've come to adore
live to see another day?

I do think this is the end 
of our raspberry harvest.

But that's just fine.
Change is sooo good.


  1. Oh-la-la! Beautiful!!! My Black and Blue salvia always blooming so late.

  2. Donna@Gardens Eye ViewJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:50 PM

    It is beautiful when it only lasts a few hours...I am amazed to see so much blooming...we had a freeze so blooms are gone and foliage remains awaiting its white blanket

  3. We also had several visits from Jack Frost a couple of weeks ago, followed by warmer than usual temps that enticed a few more blooms. These blooms were all close to the warmth of the house so they escaped the freeze. 

  4. Your photos are just beautiful! Surprised to see snow already, but I guess that's part of living in the mountains. It will be our turn soon enough. I

  5. First snowfall is always magical as the colors pop from behind the snow. Later in the season everything will be brown and not so delightful.

  6. Can't believe you have snow already. The photos are lovely and the last shot, the scene is beautiful. Sure has to be wonderful to be able to view that all the time.

  7. We feel very blessed to live here. Our mountains inspire me every day.

  8. Everything is so clean and fresh with a blanket of new snow.  Your embracing the season is refreshing.  We are getting a little of the cold air as I type...the temp is falling and only to reach into the high 50's tomorrow.  That's downright cold for us!  Funny, I know!  We're lightweights when it comes to cold.  But snakes, now that's another story! 

  9. Thanks for visiting, Cat. The snow does add a bit of magic.

  10. OH how marveous!! so beautiful soon

  11. Thank you! As long as it comes a little bit at a time, i can deal with it.

  12. Well, I'm not a winter fan, but the snow on your colorful flowers is lovely indeed! Normally the snow falls on our brown and gray winter garden. But snow on color is wonderful to see.

  13. How beautiful is your garden, it's wonderful to be able to see this, thanks for sharing your lovely images. Best Wishes Karen.

  14. Wow, that's so interesting to see the blooms under the snow.  I don't think I would be mentally ready for snow with so much blooming! The garden is so beautiful, though, especially with the mountains behind it!

  15. It's breathtaking, seeing these photos of the two seasons...cold, bittersweet times indeed.  You have had more then us, we had our second skiff of snow, nothing like yours, but still, it's not inspiring me like it does you.  And here there hasn't even been a killing frost yet.  What kind of winter will we all have?

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  16. Karin/Souther MeadowsJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:51 PM

    Your snow draped blooms are gorgeous! I am not ready for such cold weather or snow but it will come and as you said change is the only way we appreciate things. I love your milkweed seed in your header! 

  17. Hello there Carolyn girl !
    Your header picture is exquisite ! Something destroyed my milkweed before it could get to that stage and I miss it.
    So I am in love with your picture of it : )
    Your garden and that magnificent view is absolutely gorgeous .. do you realize no matter how soon the snow hits .. how very lucky you are to have this scenery ? .. it is something I would dream of.
    You will find lots to do during your winter .. and looking out to that vista? would make my heart glow !!

  18. What beautiful photos of your gorgeous garden and your gorgeous view.  In general I don't miss the snow now that I live in North Carolina, but your pictures made me a bit nostalgic for that first snowfall when everything is so beautiful. 

  19. Thank you Sarah. The snow does provide a great photo op for the garden. It just signals the soon-to-be loss of all things colorful until Spring.  Sigh... so far away.


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