
Monday, October 29, 2012

I'm Feelin' a Little Witchy Today...

(You say that like it's a bad thing.)

Shadows of a thousand years
rise up again unseen,
Voices whisper in my trees,
“It will soon be Halloween!”

The secret of the disguise is in my eyes.

ENTER if you must...

but only if you dare.

I've heard them say
"an old witch lives there".

When the moon is full,
and the wind has a chill...
 a walk in my garden

always brings a thrill!

Tread lightly as you walk
so as not to disturb,
There are ghosts you can't see
though their cries may be heard.

Pumpkin eyes and witches brew
Magic in the garden lends a mystical hue.

Kiss this rose
then click your heels twice...
 Don't mind that black spider
He can be rather nice.

Don't touch the flowers!
That have a blue glow...
 They'll cause a nasty itch,
they're poisonous you know.


This clematis seed head 
will cast a magic spell...
if you turn into a pumpkin
I'll never tell.

Blooms riddled with bewitching holes 
from grasshoppers now simmering in the Witches stew.
Be careful where you step you old fool
or you may find yourself in that black pot too!

This poison petal...
will make your feet dance
and perhaps fill your heart
with totally wicked romance.

Delirious dahlias 
lost their silly minds
after bloomin' like crazy 

they're a ghastly design.

My tale is now over
for as the story goes,
there's nothing more to say
we're at the end of the rose.

Who knew dead flowers 
could be so enchanting?

Halloween always seems to bring out the witch in me.

How about you?


  1. I love visiting your blog. It is a treat for the senses!  The best Halloween post I have seen on a garden blog so far!

  2. Oh you are so kind... I do have fun.  

  3. Curbstone Valley FarmJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:50 PM

    Oh my!  I thought my garden looked spooky this time of year!  Love the photo effects!  I agree, let's plan a halloween blog hop for next year, it's fun to see all the spooktacular fun everyone else is having.

  4. RedHouseGarden BlogJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:50 PM

    I think I would be quite afraid to visit your garden after that poem!  Think of all those poor trick-or-treaters who have to venture through your yard to get to the front door!  ;)

  5. They've learned the tricks to navigate safely. :)

  6. I didn't believe in Halloween ... until I read this post.

  7. Oh, then I'm so happy you visited.  ;)

  8. Thank you Carolyn ... you are a very sweet soul !

  9. Cheer up, sweet friend. Here's a portion of a quote that has become my favorite.  
    It isn’t as bad as you sometimes think it is.It all works out. Don’t worry.I say that to myself every morning.It will all work out.

    Follow this link if you want the entire quote, it is very inspiring and I know the words are true.

  10. Hello Carolyn girl !
    Thank you so much for your kind comments .. I always love hearing from you and especially because you are a fellow Halloween nut like I am (or try to be lately?) .. I am so sorry for the mess with your door .. it must be very aggravating indeed !
    You have a wonderful collection here (mine is rather dull and ordinary and done in a hurry this morning .. that is what rushing does to a post eh ? LOL) ..
    I am so like Linus ... next year will be the year the Great Pumpkin will visit and find my "pumpkin patch" in great spooky condition ... next year will be the best !!!
    Lord ... I hope so ?? LOL
    Thanks again Carolyn .. you are a sweetie !
    Joy (deflated Halloween nut ? LOL)

  11. I think I am a little witchy other times but yes I am witchier at Halloween...fabulous pics and prose...Happy Halloween!!

  12. It is a great time of year to rediscover that inner kid. Love the wreath on your door!

  13. Actually it's a great time to just be myself, I always say. I've had such fun through the years being a witch. for a day. 

  14. And oh I miss you! Not as much fun without little kiddos. I need to hear little Norah's witch cackle. Maybe you can video tape her in her witch costume and send it to me. Love you!

  15. So glad you enjoyed it... thanks for coming!

  16. oh mom, I always miss home around Halloween!  You always made it so fun for us :)  

  17. Hi Carolyn what a wonderful post, we celebrate halloween in Australia as well, not to the extent that you guys do though. I love your new header. Best Wishes Karen.

  18. Beautiful photos, Carolyn! Love that milkweed header photo. Don't worry, I won't come knocking on your door. LOL


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