
Thursday, August 23, 2012

What do you do with a 14' by 14' by 4' hole

in your garden that no longer brings you joy?

We have such a hole 
and it's under that trampoline
Truth be told... that trampoline no longer brings me joy.

We have owned this trampoline forever... as advertised, it really has lasted a lifetime...
the little boy whose birthday surprise it was so many years ago
now has sweet little ones of his own.

When we moved to this home, 
we had a deep hole dug and installed the trampoline at ground level. 

 Our kids and grandkiddos have loved it, 
bouncing away to their hearts content.

But after so many years of bouncing, 
it was time to replace it or repair it.

I was ready to replace it... with something entirely different.

So we gave the trampoline away and enlisted the help of our son 
and a few friends to fill up the hole with fill dirt.

Squirting water on the dirt to help it settle 
provided the perfect setting 
for a little fun...

ok it was a lot of fun...

They voted to keep the space as is... 
a grand MUDPIT.

Fortunately I had a different idea, one I had been dreaming about for years. 

 You see I never  really liked that trampoline. 
I always worried that in all that bouncing, someone was bound to break a bone or two 
and after 20 years without an accident, I figured our luck was running out.

So after all the mud play came to an end, my Honeyman spread the dirt a bit more evenly 
and then waited for the mass to dry... 
and waited... 
and waited.. 
and waited. 

Eventually he hauled in nearly a foot of road base 
to bring some stability to the now big pit of gooey mud. 

A jumping jack compactor was used to pack things down initially, 
 followed by more road base which was raked into the final grade, 
then compressed with a vibrating compactor.

"What in the world are they doing now?" 
the neighbors surely wondered 
and maybe you are too!

As with all the projects we do in This Grandmother's Garden... 
whatever I can dream, 
my Honeyman can build... and he does!


My next post I'll show my dream and share the steps we took to complete the project.

Do you have a guess at what we're up to?


  1. this post made me smile, it certainly gave a lot of happiness thru generations. But everything is somehow outgrown and time to move one. So, till when will you keep us guessing!

  2. It's always pleasing to know I earned a smile or two!

  3. How fun! Can't wait to see what you've dreamed up! 

  4. Could it be a mirror pool? That would take a lot of maintenance, perhaps a patio area or, something like a circular rose arch/pergola with a mosaic underneath?

  5. Oh such great ideas... next year's project?

  6. Hehe! I loved following the story and seeing the generations doing their thing in and around the hole, so well put together by you! I really have no clue, but I do know that there is no end to your creativity:~)

  7. Sometimes I think my Honeyman wishes there would be an end. I think I'm wearing him out.

  8. Oooh I wonder what it is to be.  I first thought it would be a pond, then a circular garden, but now it has to be some type of gazebo - I can see white cast iron....

  9. Hmmm... maybe I should have asked for ideas BEFORE we started the project. I circular garden would have been fun. I could have made it into a colorful smiley face for my grandkids.

  10. Nitty Gritty Dirt ManJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:55 PM

    This post makes me want to dig a hole and refill it with dirt and water.  Looks like a lot of fun -- and I can't wait to see the final product.  

  11. Hah!  That is what my kids vote was... it was sooo much fun.

  12. Carolyn what fun the round hole has given over the years and now for new fun, I was thinking like Donna gazebo or summer house with all that hard surfacing, I know from previous posts you already have a fabulous patio, your man is sooo clever, looking for to the next instalment, Frances 

  13. I do have a fabulous patio... a Summer House would be fun!

  14. I don't think I have ever felt so encouraged to return to view an update or part two may be more appropriate. I am convinced we are going to see a fountain, and my guess is that it will be one that is very formal and stately..

  15. Donna@Gardens Eye ViewJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:56 PM

    Looks like a perfect spot for a maybe a gazebo???  Can't wait to see.

  16. A gazebo... hmmmm.  Stay tuned!

  17. They were having so much fun.
    Can't wait to see what you came up with.

  18. And I had fun photographing them.

  19. Now you have me wondering ... maybe a fountain? Although a little patio as described by Indie sounds nice, too. (Love your header photo by the way!)

  20. Oh how fun!  They looked like they had a blast!  
    At first I was thinking rain garden with all that mud, but after you pulled out the plate compactor, I'm thinking a round patio?  Just the perfect size for a little tea table and chairs?  Can't wait to see!

  21. Rain Garden... that is a great guess! We would have to have artificial rain (sprinklers) as it hasn't rained but a few drops for many weeks.

  22. That trampoline and mud pit look so much FUN! You have peaked my curiosity...can't wait to see what you built!

  23. Can't wait to see, what you finally made!

  24. I'm sure you are building a patio or circular garden, but I so wanted it to be a lovely, round pond!  Let's see what it turned out to be....


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