
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August "Walk in the Garden" Challenge: A Touch of the Divine

Nature always plants 
the most beautiful gardens.

The perfect composition of harmony and rhythm...

to inspire our soul.

The Albion Basin, Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah
A tradition our family looks forward to every year 
is our hike high in the Wasatch Mountains above Salt Lake City...
about an hour from our home.

The window to go is just a few weeks, 
as the snow leaves late and always comes early 
in these Alpine meadows, elevation 9,500 feet.

Where the Fairies Live

And of course, the best time to go is early in the morning, 
when the morning light 
just begins to brighten the sky.

Magic Hour in the Albion Basin

Our family calls it "the magic hour".
But you'll just have to experience it to know why...
mere words cannot begin to describe.

Around each corner of the trail is a new scene 
begging to be captured by my camera...
a photographer's delight!

Divine designs of stone and blossoms please the eye...

and captivate the lens...

as Wildflowers find fertile soil 
in walls of rock and crevice of stone.

Our hearts race as we're greeted by the local residents.
They seem to ignore us but wisdom tells us 
they may turn and charge at a whim.

Mamma Moose and Baby

Mindful that this is their home, 
we tread lightly 
and oh so cautiously.

We waited patiently for them to clear the trail.

Other residents seemed to be less aware of our presence,
though we were quite intrigued with theirs...

Why do these butterflies rest along the path?
This was a most common sight as we hiked the trail.

We came to the conclusion 
that they must be warming their tiny bodies 
in the heat reflected from the soil.

We made a few more discoveries...
the higher elevations meadows were filled with shades 
of blue and pinks.

Tickled Pink

While the lower portion of the trail
was scattered with blossoms of orange.


The variety was alluring.

Lake Catherine
A Crown of Jewels lay at the end of the trail...
a beautiful mountain lake.

We hiked down to touch the water, 
but this is where we came upon the Mamma Moose and her baby. 

Just realized we never did touch the water...
the moose stole the show.

Next year.

♦   ♦   ♦

What have you discovered in your walk in the gardens? 
Perhaps you have a favorite Summer spot to hike.


  1. Elaine it is quite amazing and always a thrill to hike through those beautiful blooms... a blessing indeed.

  2. Ya, it's kind of magical how the flowers disappear during the winter and bloom again in the Springtime.

  3. Oh I hope you captured some moose... in your camera!

  4. Your pictures are truly beautiful. Thanks for taking us with you on your vacation. Everything is magnificent. A delight to look at.

  5. Those wildflowers are just wonderful. Makes me miss the rockies out here in the flatlands.

  6. I am still enraptured by the images you shared, and then I saw the quail in your header...oh beautiful.

    Both the quail, and the journey. What a mountain of treasure that is.  Breathtaking, no wonder you go each year.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  7. Such a great tradition, Carolyn! You captured your hike beautifully.  How blessed we are to live in such a beautiful world. 

  8. What an amazing place to go for a hike and such beautiful wild flowers - you are so lucky to have all this close by - beautiful pictures - I am green with envy.

  9. Oh gosh - I cannot believe how many flowers you have that just appear after being covered with snow all winter!   Stunning, and then the Moose and the lake, what a lovely walk - thank you so much for sharing that walk.  

  10. Lovely pictures !! I love the moose, when we were in the States a few years ago we went moose hunting (with our camera ofcourse) early in the morning , we loved it !

  11. Oh...I love your garden trellises over the walking path.
    Beautiful idea.The borage looks so healthy and full. You must have sent us some
    of your rain because we got some much needed rain today. Your back garden looks
    like a respite and a spot to enjoy all of the work you put into the garden. It
    is very beautiful.Jaipur Flowers

  12. Yea, the moose made our hike a real adventure. I'd love to come to Scotland to see you amazing views.  It's on my bucket list. My ancestors come from Scotland.

  13. Praying for rain for your gardens, Donna. And I do feel blessed to live here.

  14. That makes sense, Pauline. I never considered salt.

  15. Scotland certainly isn't the only country with beautiful scenery. The Moose  didn't play second fiddle to the views though.

  16. Ah, absolutely captivating! I wish I lived close so I could do the hike, myself.

  17. Donna@Gardens Eye ViewJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:56 PM

    There won't be much to show after my Monday post as the drought has claimed so many blooms.  Too hot to even venture out but your trip is magical.  It is like a dream your hike.  You live in such a special blessed place.

  18. Carolyn - Such beautiful pictures, make me wish I lived near mountains too.

  19. Beautiful post, what an amazing place you live in with that stunning mountain decorated with its flowers like jewels. I think your butterflies on the path maybe getting salt from the earth, they do in this country. Thanks for visiting my blog.


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!