
Friday, May 18, 2012

All My Life I Have Dreamed of This...

and now my dream has come true...


Quail in my gardens!

Words cannot describe my excitement.

It's a miracle!



Dashing Young Mr. Quail

Content to pose for a photo shoot.

Actually he's perched himself where he can watch the Mrs. as she eats the seed 

on the ground under the bird feeder. 

Ahh... I'm already loving this clean-up crew.


 Busy Mrs. Quail

Not so interested in sitting still for a photo...hence the blurry look.

 Mr. and Mrs. Quail Dining Together

Could the blur be from the excitement of the camera lady (me) actually taking pictures of quail in her garden? 

(Breathe deep, breath deep... inhale... exhale... this is actually happening.)

Or perhaps taking the shot through my kitchen window?

Most likely all of the above.


Mr. Quail perched in the Redbud


I have wished for this all of my life.

Back to their New Home at Garden's Edge

Please protect them from the neighbor's cat... and the other neighbor's dog...

oh my, there are so many perils out there.

Hoping tomorrow will bring more adventures with our new little residents.

 Stay tuned!


  1. How magical! I have never seen a quail in real life. They are indeed very "dashing"!

  2. Cool Mom!  Wish I were there to enjoy them with you :)

  3. So happy your dream has come true! I am anxiously waiting for a hummingbird to show in my garden in Central Florida near the Gulf. I have only recently starting adding flowers and landscaping our yard so have selected many plants to draw birds and butterflies. Hope your visitors come back for you enjoy again soon! Thanks for sharing the charming photos!

  4. Carolyn, I have seen quail in my garden only twice in the last year.  The first 8 years of living in this home I never saw them.  I heard the Chi-ca-go call and thought to myself, could it be....when I saw them, like you I was thrilled!  I wish I could see them more often.  I hope yours stay around.

    One of our local nurseries called Buena Creek Gardens in San Marcos CA  is lucky to have a flock stop by every evening.  I will keep hoping that mine will return.

  5. Congratulations on your new visitors, and they posed for photos too. I know how exciting it is, as I had a male pheasant visit my garden for the first time ever, a few months ago. I didn't get any photos, I was sort of rooted to the spot. By the time I got my camera out, it was almost out of sight.

  6. They're actually very cute little fatso's aren't they? Great photos of the little guys (and girls).

  7. Donna@Gardens Eye ViewJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:52 PM

    Fabulous...what cuties they are and how blessed you are.

  8. Karin/Southern MeadowsJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:52 PM

    That is very cool! What excitement around your garden! I hope they settle in and stay awhile!

  9. What gorgeous birds!  I can see why this would be your dream, and how exciting that it has now come true! I hope they live long and happy lives, and raise their family there in your garden.

  10. I would be just as excited. The first time I was able to get photos of our resident owl, I also was so thrilled I had a hard time holding the camera steady. The quail are beautiful birds. I hope they feel welcomed and safe in your garden and stay a long time. Maybe you will have the opportunity to watch baby quail grow up!

  11. Lovely creatures! Hope they'll be your regular visitors in your beautiful garden...

  12. I am very jealous.  Beautiful birds and great pictures!

  13. Lovely creatures! Hope they'll be your regular visitors in your beautiful garden...

    Garden Centre Barnstaple

  14. what beautiful photos.  How lovely when you wish for something and then it happens....

  15. Tatyana@MySecretGardenJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:52 PM

    Oh, Carolyn, how lucky you are! And you remembered your camera! Good for you!

  16. Beautiful photos et bird!


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