
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February "Walk in the Gardens" Challenge... Shades of Brown

No doubt this Winter will go on record 
as the brownest that I can ever remember. 

Only one measurable snowstorm in my gardens thus far.  

While there's always hope that more snow will fall...
 (Utah is notorious for surprise Spring snow storms)
today I'm celebrating 

It's what I've been looking at most of this Winter...
and I've discovered there is much beauty to be found 
even in a very Brown Winter

But don't take my word for it...
come see for yourself!

Dancing Flame Maple Seeds in Winter

Brown-Eyed Susans Twirl in the Winter Winds

Hydrangea Blooms...

...always Beautiful no matter the Season.

Serenity in a Crunchy Leaf

Chickadee Surveying the Food Bank Below


 Empty Plate

Plumbago Seed-pods... Enchanting! 

I've come to learn that every Season holds its own beauty.
You've just got to go out and look!

What have YOU discovered in your  
Walk in the Gardens?

If you'd like to join me
publish your own post on what you've discover during your walk
then link your blog name to the linky list below.

The first of each month we'll do this again!

I look forward to seeing what you've discovered!


  1. Your browns and grays of winter are stunning. This year I am enjoying looking through the lens at winter. Thanks for hosting!

  2. Curbstone Valley FarmJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:56 PM

    Isn't is amazing how much beauty you can find in a winter garden, when there's nothing in bloom?  I love your photos, and the browned eyed Susans seem especially pretty.

  3. Oh, how beautiful you have made Brown!  Especially love the brown eyed susans, but they are all pretty.  It's good to look at things in a different way, and now I'll see brown as a beautiful thing.  

  4. Hello Carolyn girl !
    Yes .. we have been very brown with pools of ICE and so little snow it is scary .. neither my husband or I can ever recall such a winter as this with so little snow and thus so little ground water for the coming year .. I know by now that it will be a drought season for sure .. so I will have to be very water wise straight from the start ! Darn it !
    We share many of the same plants and I love my Amur Flame Maple too !

  5. Donna@Gardens Eye ViewJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:56 PM

    I will have a post next Monday to link in to you Carolyn if that isn't too late.  It has been a brown winter.  Not sure how the next 6 weeks will pan out but I have an idea it may be just as mild if the wildlife are any the beautiful browns!

  6. Our brown winter seems to be over and replaced by a grey winter; not much snow, but frosty weather.

    Mind you, I will go to the garden tomorrow after work, so I will see if I can't whip up a post to join your meme!

  7. I hope my post works out for your winter walk. It is a walk that I went on. Your brown images are very beautiful. Brown is what is here too.

  8. There hasn't been much snow here either. I keep hoping for some February or March snow storms. I will need to start walking again.  All your photos are enchanting. I can't pick a favorite. 

  9. I love the Hydrangeas. Something for me to look out at during the winter season. Trying to catch up a little. Still behind with all the work here but wanted to drop by.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  10. We are having unseasonally warm temperatures. I fear a hard freeze after all the plants have been tricked into putting out new growth much too early. Meanwhile, I am enjoying seeing early color.

  11. Jennifer@threedogsinagardenJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:56 PM

    Hi Carolyn, Your brown themed photos are lovely, especially the images of the hydrangea, which is a winter favourite of mine as well. We have had a very "brown" winter here too. The dogs have been making mincemeat out of the damp, dormant lawn. My kitchen floor may never be clean again! LOL

  12. Lovely, lovely! I think brown is the most underappreciated hue, second only to gray perhaps. But you have certainly done it justice! 

  13. I have always loved the hydrangea in winter. I wished I'd've known about this in time to join. Do you do the walk in the garden every month? 
    I sincerely wish I would find a chickadee in a walk in my garden. I'll keep trying!

  14. What a beautiful selection of images, proving that there is beauty even without the snow.

  15. I'm loving all of your brown... Your  pictures are fabulous...
    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  16. Carolyn, this is such a cool meme!  I will have to mark it down on my calendar for (just before) March!  I love your new formatting on your blog (I've been 'offline' lately and just catching up.)

  17. Absolutely Lovely photos. I really enjoyed the caption: "yum" - made me smile quite an awful lot :) I think that the subject of the post is a brilliant idea, and I look forward to following you so that I can keep up with the challenges.

    I found you in Blotanical, by the way, and am very glad I did!


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!