
Saturday, December 31, 2011

In Search of Snow... January "Walk in the Gardens" Challenge

It has been chillingly cold 
but still no measure-able snowfall in my gardens,
so we went to the mountains to find some.

A good excuse for a walk don't ya think?

Not much snow up there either. 
The ski resorts are making snow for their slopes.

But we did find snow, 
though not the deep fluffy stuff we played in last year. 

(Oh we had such fun on last year's mountain get-a-way.)

This year was a different kind of fun...
though we did find some interesting pics to shoot during our stay...
things we might have missed if we hadn't gone for a walk or two.

 Winter Whites on the shady side of the road...

give the illusion of lots of snow,
though the sunny side is bare.

 But even a little snow brings Winter interest.

Snow and moss... and *lichen.
*an organism that is formed by the symbiotic association of a fungus and an alga 
and occurs as crusty patches or bushy growths on tree trunks, bare ground, etc.

 Tangled roots from an old tree.

 What creature lies within?

 Roots formed around rocks.

 Rocky outcropping 
gives the appearance of a petrified tree trunk.

Spring water running clear and cold.

 Ice castles for the Fairies to play in...

Can you see them? 
Neither can I but I know they're in there.

 Looking heaven-ward reveals berries for the birds 
and clear blue skies in the chilling 10°F air.

The birds were high in the trees this day,
but I could hear them singing their happy Sunshine Song.

 A mountain cemetery reflecting the twilight blues of the snow.
It was simply enchanting!

What treasures did you find on your January winter walk? 

Post about it, 
then add your link to the list below. 
"Walk in the Gardens" Challenge is hosted the first day of each month 
and the linky is up for a week.

I can't wait to see what you discover! 


  1. I'm going to try and join you. I already wrote one post today, but will add a walk in my garden later this week. Thanks for such a great idea.~~Dee

  2. We have not had any snow this year save that of the few flurries lasting only a few moments. I hope we get some this winter. Your snow excursion sounds so enjoyable. I am hoping we have the chance to search for some ice castle fairies soon.

  3. Hello Carolyn, strange weather over here as well, mild and lack of snow, not complaining though. Beautiful series of pictures from your outing.

  4. Great photos. No snow ones here yet either. Not that I really miss it but I do admit that it's beautiful when it first comes down. Happy New Year.

  5. Hi,

    Beautiful photos :)
    I'm not sure whether to hope you do get some significant snowfall or not.... At least it helps protects the garden from the cold temperatures!

  6. Some gorgeous pics there. Best wishes to you and yours for a very happy and peaceful New Year.

  7. Not much more snow here. Flurries today, but it's not sticking much. Your photos are beautiful, as always! Happy New Year!

  8. Loving your fairy ice castles!  Very pretty!
    No snow here, even though we are up in New Jersey for New Years.  And we had been looking forward to some winter white!  It's actually quite pleasant weather outside, almost like spring :)
    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  9. Donna@Gardens Eye ViewJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:55 PM

    Carolyn how lovely to find the winter snows to capture...I have linked in to show a few images but right now we are green and headed for a major snow event this PM and the snow images will get even better here...Happiest of New Years I wish for you and your family!!!

  10. That looks like a lot of snow to me!  Love how the red twigs show up against that beautiful white snow.  Your pics have a very serene feel, especially the one showing the cemetery.  Beautiful.

  11. A lot of beautiful winter interest you discovered on your walk!   Wishing you a blessed New Year, Carolyn.  Thank you for your support and kind thoughts throughout 2011.  Your friendship is much appreciated. 

  12. The snow is beautiful in your images and you were fortunate to have seen some on your walk. Too bad the fairies did not say hello. I saw in your previous posts, you are like us, way behind schedule. They predicted a big storm and we got a dusting, that is all. Seems like things are changing. My husband is ecstatic about the 40-50° weather and no snow, my plants are not.

  13. Curbstone Valley FarmJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:55 PM

    Happy New Year Carolyn!  Beautiful snowy winter scenes.  I hope your garden brings you peace and bounty in 2012!

  14. It is blog photos like these that make me miss my childhood days in No. Wisconsin.


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!