
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Daily Blessings... November 5th

This morning I awoke to a gentle blanket of snow in my gardens.
I can only imagine the whisperings through the trees 
as this new season approaches...

Winter's coming! Winter's Coming!

Last Leaf Standing

The birds, dressed in their Winter coats,
are all in a flurry at the bird feeder...
exhilarated by the chill in the frosty air.

Today I give gratitude for the changing of the seasons.

We celebrate every season in This Grandmother's Garden...
there is always joy and beauty waiting for discovery in all.

Follow me through the month of November 
as I turn my attention from the hurry hurry of holiday preparation 
to the bounteous blessings of Thanksgiving.

Be sure to visit The Whimsical Gardener who is the inspiration behind this theme.

Click on the thumbnails below to view my previous Daily Blessings.


  1. Wow your weather has certainly changed quickly. No snow here yet. 25 degrees this morning made for thick beautiful frost all over everything. The pond and ground were even frozen. I have a few more chores that will wait for the warming sun to melt it all. Of course we are still getting 50s and an occasional 60 degree day...the first snow is a wonderful sight!!

  2. The snows are bound to come whether I want them or not.The white fluffy snows are always so pretty, but then I do not have to go out in them much.LOL!They make for beautiful pictures.
    So much to be thankful for this year.

  3. Hi,

    Wow, snow already? I hope it melts quickly for you.

    Snow is very beautiful and I like it most when its visits are only short - a day or two :D

  4. Wow, I'm not ready for snow--50s and sunshine here for the weekend, which is wonderful for garden chores! What a great idea to link to your previous "thankful" posts! Cat had a great idea!

  5. Hard to follow daily, but it is a good idea. My daily posts happen in my Month in Tens posts, this month with the theme Simple Things. It kinda goes with this theme, but is posted on the tens. I always was inspired by your Thankful Posts, Carolyn.

  6. Seasonal changes seem to be happening so swiftly but it is November after all! You've always shown such a generous attitude of gratefulness but I'm especially enjoying a daily dose. ;)

  7. Love the last leaf standing. No snow here yet, but it's only a matter of time. So much to be thankful for always, thank you for the reminder.

  8. I think snow is so gorgeous. Of course, I don't have to live with it very often! That's something I'm thankful for!


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