
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Daily Blessings... November 12th and 13th

In honor of the Veteran in my life...

My Dad

Yes, I know, yesterday was Veteran's Day, 
but I didn't remember it until I looked out my window
and saw the neighborhood blanketed with flags the scouts had posted. 
By then my daily blessing post was already published. 

All day I felt sad that I had missed an opportunity to honor the Veteran in my life... 
my Dad.

But who says Veteran's Day can only be celebrated one day of the year?
Today I'm celebrating... for my Dad and for all veterans.

My Dad blessed my life by teaching me of patriotism and honor and love of country. 
While he found it difficult to talk of his experiences at the battle's front, 
the way he chose to live his life was always the best teacher. 

I will always remember the way he promptly stood to salute the flag 
whenever it passed by in a parade. 
As a child and as an adult, my heart was touched
as I watched him in this quiet act of honor, 
often with a tear in his eye as the flag passed by.

He always considered it an honor and a great privilege to serve his country. 

I am most grateful for gift of freedom he participated in giving.
My love and respect for him is mirrored in my own actions 
as I teach my children and grandchildren of his great legacy.

♦ ♦ ♦

My youngest daughter, Emilee, wrote this essay several years ago 
as a Junior High School student. 

It tells our Veteran's story...

My grandpa was in the United States Navy during World War 2.  He joined the Navy in 1942 when he was only 16 years old. My Grandpa joined the Navy to defend our country.  He left his family and friends and everything he knew to go to war. 

Grandpa was assigned to the ship the USS LaSalle, which was a Navy transport ship.  It transported marines to the battle front which were beaches throughout the South Pacific. My grandpa’s job was to keep the ship running. He was an electrician and kept the electrical stuff in order.  He spent his days down in the belly of the ship and would often go for weeks without seeing the sunshine.

In November 1943 he arrived at the battle of Tarawa in the South Pacific.  His ship was shot at by the enemy guns on shore.  They suffered no serious damage and were able to clear the beach of the enemy.

The next battle his ship was involved in was the invasion of the Marshall Islands.  They dropped off over a thousand marines to fight there.  Grandpa’s ship was also involved in the Battle of Okinawa.  The ship had to fight off heavy suicide attacks from the Japanese airplanes.

The USS LaSalle was involved in many invasions throughout the Pacific Islands during World War 2.  The war in the South Pacific was only a part of the war.  This terrible war involved most of the countries in the world. World War 2 finally ended in September of 1945.  Many of my grandpa’s friends were killed defending our country during World War 2. Grandpa was given many Medals of Honor for his service to our country. 

 May we never take for granted the freedoms we hold so dear, 
and always remember the patriots who paid the price.


  1. I agree, we should always honor them.

  2. Thanks so much, Lona.

  3. I agree, we should always honor them.

  4. Donna@Gardens Eye ViewJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:53 PM

    The legacy of freedom our relatives have given us is cause for celebration and gratitude daily...wonderful!!

  5. Very nice, Carolyn and Emilee. Even those brief words were inspiring.

  6. Thank you dear, nice to see you here. ♥

  7. What a handsome Dad. I am so thankful to those who have served and do serve for our country.
    A wonderful posting.

  8. Curbstone Valley FarmJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:54 PM

    I see no reason not to honor and celebrate our veterans every day.  A beautiful post Carolyn, thank you for sharing.

  9. Just looking on Ancestry and found that my father had also served on the LaSalle and that lead me to this wonderful site.  Thank you for your words of love. 

  10. That is wonderful! So glad you found me. 

  11. How wonderful! So glad you found me. I don't have much information about that part of my Dad's life. He was always so reluctant to talk about it. 


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