
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Daily Blessings... November 10th


Today I am grateful for change in my life.

Read about the Little Caterpillar that Changed HERE

I have learned in my years of living not to be afraid of change
but to embrace it!

Change brings new perspective in life 
and new growth.

♥  ♥  ♥

Lovin' the changes to my blog this morning,

(This post is dedicated to a darling daughter who is up to her eyeballs in change... Love you!)


  1. You're right, change is inevitable and we might as well embrace it as best we can. It takes so much more energy to resist. We've seen lots of change this year with our oldest away at school but honestly, it has been good for all of us. As much as I hate to see her go, I'm happy for her new found independence. She seems so content.

  2. And, your new blog design looks great!

  3. Change is good! If things didn't change...well, life would be very boring wouldn't it? I love your new blog look!

  4. I love the new design..what a special surprise when I opened your blog...I too am learning to embrace change because it actually takes me to places I would not have ventured to on my own..

  5. A red caterpillar?!!! I had initially thought that was part of the flower. How interesting!

  6. I do love the changes to your blog.  Good attitude you have.  I suppose we should all embrace change as it's the only constant in our lives.

  7. You are so right about change being the only constant!  

  8. It was a bit of a surprise for me too! Late last night I was trying out a few changes, not intending to make any of them permanent until another day.  I clicked on something I shouldn't have  and couldn't return to my previous template. Any attempt to correct just made things worse, and of course, I hadn't backed it up for awhile. I scrambled to pull it together so it didn't look so scary, then woke up early this morning to finish it. Still working on a few things... this template's code is very different so I'm in learning  mode again. Oh well... change!

  9. I'm smiling at your comment... sometimes when life is busy busy I long for boring.

  10. I know exactly how you feel... one of my daughters has just moved far away with her little family which includes a darling one year old that we adore. First job for her hubby after grad school. We miss them like crazy but are so happy for the positive changes happening in their lives. I'm sure your daughter is having a wonderful time, now you get to learn how to mother long distance! Buy a camera for your computer for video chats!

  11. That little red guy was a sweet discovery last Fall in my gardens.  If you follow the link, you can read all about him.


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Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!