
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Enter if you must, but only if you dare!

Shadows of a thousand years
rise up again unseen,
Voices whisper in my trees,
“Today is Halloween!”

Pumpkin eyes and witches brew 
the shimmering glow of fresh fallen dew.

ENTER if you must...

but only if you dare.

I've heard them say
"an old witch lives there".

When the moon is full,
and the wind has a chill...
 a walk in my garden

always brings a thrill!

Tread lightly as you walk
so as not to disturb,
There are ghosts you can't see
though their cries may be heard.

Kiss this rose
then click your heels twice...
 Don't mind that black spider
He can be rather nice.

Don't touch the flowers!
They have a blue glow...
 They'll cause a nasty itch,
they're poisonous you know.

This clematis seed head 
will cast a magic spell...
if you become a pumpkin
I'll never tell.

Blooms riddled with bewitching holes 
from grasshoppers now simmering in the Witches stew.
Be careful where you step you old fool
or you may find yourself in that black pot too!

This poison petal...
will make your feet dance
and perhaps fill your heart
with totally wicked romance.

Delirious dahlias 
lost their silly minds
after bloomin' like crazy 

they're a ghastly design.

This tale is now over
for as the story goes,
there's nothing more to say
we're at the end of the rose.

(One should never make a post 
so very late at night
as the mind thinks rather oddly
and can stir up such a fright.)

Happy Haunting!


  1. Carolyn this was too cute and I think staying up late actually let your creative juices flow VERY well! haha .. I have had a hard month (which is extra disappointing since this is my very favourite one) .. so, sadly I just didn't get into the swing of things but I love seeing posts like this and it cheers me up so much : ) Thank you !
    PS .. I had a great giggle over at Rose's place with what her daughter did : )

  2. Love the ghoulish pictures and wonderful verse!!! Your late night is very creative....

  3. Cute post! Love the poem - and the photos are fabulously ghoulish!

  4. That was fun! I love the Witches!

  5. One should make a post very late if they are all as good as this one! I so enjoyed the ghastly walk through the garden with you. Simply wonderful! The decorations-especially the woman 'floating' are awesome!!!!

  6. What a fun posting Carolyn! LOL! I love the pictures of the dead flowers. Happy Halloween.

  7. Haha, very fun!! Great decorations!

  8. You are truly creative Carolyn!

  9. Very cute post! I really enjoyed the haunting photos near the end...excellent!

  10. Very spooky! Many homes in our neighborhood put out elaborate Halloween displays. So far I'm happy to enjoy theirs without bothering to decorate my house! But our family supplies cute trick or treaters to the rest of the homes :-)

  11. Great post! Love the front door decorations and the pictures of the dried dead flowers...very fitting. Thanks for the welcome on Blotanical. You're roses are absolutely stunning, love the purple one you have and that apricot iris too(think I have to get one of those). Bravo on the patio as well!

  12. Oh Mom, you're such a nut! My little Isaac looked at these pictures with me and couldn't believe that was really you and your house. He doesn't know you and Halloween. :)

  13. Maybe next year I'll hop on a plane (or a broomstick) and fly up there for the Holiday as a witch of course!
    Think they'd let me on the plane?


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