
Monday, October 10, 2011

Autumn Walk Challenge

Autumn is slowly beginning to dance in my gardens...
but who knows how long the dance will last?

(There is already snow in my mountain tops.)

Time to open wide the doors and simply walk...
to enjoy the crispness of the Autumn air,

the smell of fallen leaves 
and the warmth of the Sunshine.
even if for but a moment.

Life is far too precious to waste.

I vow to do this everyday for the next two weeks.
Will you join me in this challenge?

Maybe you're already walking each day,
or maybe you, too, need a little coaxing to get going.
It doesn't matter how far or how long you walk, just that you do it.

If you'd like to join me
add your blog name to the linky list below.

As you're walking, look up and around, 
see the beautiful changes 
taking place in the world round about you.

At the end of our two weeks, 
I invite each participant to submit 
their favorite Autumn image of your experience,  
(Don't we bloggers always walk with camera in hand?) 
perhaps something you discovered while walking.

On October 24th I'll post my own image 
with another linky 
for you to add yours. 

Let's all get out from behind our computers...
it's time to feel a little
Sunshine in our Souls.

Are you in?


  1. Well it is spring here, but I am always up for a little sunshine in my soul! (I love that term) I will be walking on the beach most afternoons, so no pretty red leaves like you will have, but plenty of sunshine!

  2. Oh, I wish I could be walking on a beach, you are so blessed. Wherever your walk may take you, please join in and in two weeks post your pics of what you see!

  3. What a beautiful way to celebrate the fleeting moments of autumn. Count me in!

  4. I'm in! I try to walk every day, but have been a bit lax about it lately. This'll be a great help! It'll be fun to see all the varied images of autumn!

  5. This is just the motivation I needed. Felt so sluggish today, and now I have a good reason to go out and enjoy this nice weather. Thanks for this challenge.

  6. My post today was all about sunshine. Autumn is a great time to talk a walk. Nice idea, Carolyn.

  7. I wish I could walk... unfortunately, I can't manage distances. I get around a bit with a cane, but I spend a fair amount of time in a wheel chair. But I will be walking in spirit! This is such a cool idea!

  8. Wonderful idea Carolyn. I can't promise I will walk every day. Bad ankle right now. But I walk around my garden nearly every day. If that counts I am in...just went on a walk to a Nature Center and overdid the ankle. Getting rain for a few days but then we should have nice weather again...

  9. Great idea! I don't know if I'll be able to walk every day - one of the kids is sick - but hopefully when we're all better!

  10. What a wonderful challenge, Carolyn. I'd walk with you but we live at the top of a very steep hill and with very little area on which to walk, so I drive down the hill and swim.
    Have fun.

  11. I'm a walker and love to walk in autumn with camera in hand but in/out of town for the next week or so. Great idea to share!

  12. I love your photos! Autumn is perhaps my favorite time for taking a walk. I can't honestly participate in your challenge because of my crazy work schedule and hours, but I definitely will be out there with camera in hand when I can, and I look forward to seeing your upcoming post.

  13. The way the sun shines through your autumn plants is so beautiful. It really does represent the sunshine of my soul at this time of year.

  14. Love your idea! I have been getting outside as much as I can :)

  15. Autumn is most definitely my favourite time of the year. There is something so satisfying about wrapping up warm and kicking your way through loads of crunchy leaves!

  16. Autumn is one of the worlds amazing views which we in the tropics are not able to see or experience. However i am so thankful for blog craze that we are also able to walk with you all bloggers and feel the spirit of autumn. All the photos are amazing for us, so thank you for you and all your linkers!


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!