
Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Video of a Monarch Emerging...

I have always been enchanted 
with the magic and beauty 
of the life cycle of a Monarch Butterfly. 

This Summer we have had the most extraordinary opportunity 
of tending and watching up close 
the miracle of these beautiful little creatures 
on their journey to becoming a Butterfly. 

We have raised 8 tiny caterpillars gathered from a field  
not far from my gardens. 

We've watched with sweet anticipation as their amazing life cycle
 has unfolded before our very eyes...

Each stage, from a tiny little egg, to an always hungry caterpillar, to a mysterious Chrysalis and finally, a beautiful Butterfly, are miracles that truly testify of a Divine Creator. 

It has been a tender mercy , especially for me, to witness these tiny miracles, 
a sweet diversion from the trials that life so often presents.

Together, our family's lives have been greatly enriched through our discoveries. 

While I have enjoyed each stage of their precious life, 
I must admit that their transformation to a butterfly 
is the most magical to me.

Watch as My Butterfly Dreams come true...
(please note that I have sped up the action a bit.)

And actually, I do have one more post to share 
before I'm done with Butterflies... 
next week.

If you missed any of my post from Butterfly Dreams, 
you may view them here:


  1. Amazing video. It's like seeing a baby born, and then growing to an adult in just a few minutes. I wish them well on their journey, and hope you will have many, many of their descendants in your garden for years to come. Adorable picture of the butterfly and the child.

  2. I agree with Holley. Wonderful video, words and photos. Your patience and care paid off and I hope they make there long journey safely. Thank you Carolyn, for this wonderful series. I very much enjoyed all the images.

  3. Carolyn that was pure magic. What a wonderful series and I love how you were able to patiently capture this on video. I agree with Holley and a baby being born...bliss!!

  4. What a wonderful video Carolyn. I love watch its wings unfold.

  5. I LOVE the video and the entire series you have done on a truly amazing butterfly! Thanks for sharing :)

  6. thank you for sharing this with us - I think monarchs are the most beautiful butterflies and it is nice that they stick around a little before flying off.

  7. Carolyn, I've enjoyed your series immensely. Thanks for taking the time to share this remarkable experience with blogosphere.

  8. We have had three monarchs visiting my Tithonia flowers for the last couple of months. So far I have not found any chrysalis. I will keep looking!

    This was amazing footage!

  9. LOVE it, mom. You should put music to your video.

  10. Thanks so much for sharing! I assume that's your grandchild--so cute!

  11. That is totally awesome! Loved it! Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. These are amazing that wee babes look on her face!! Just precious x

  13. Fantastic website, gorgeous pictures and captivating video, I am truly overawed. I am placing one of your garden pictures on my sites (Your Gardens) page, with a link to your site. Please let me know if you want it removed. Alistair

  14. How wonderful to view this miracle taking place. Amazing transformation and so kind of you to share it.

  15. I have seen this many times before but the sense of wonder never diminishes.

  16. Such a lovely post and gorgeous photos and video, but your Grand-child (?) steals the show, I love the look of wonder on her face as she reaches for the butterfly. Very precious!

  17. I've found butterfly eggs but never the chrysalis stage. The whole emerging process is amazing isn't it.

  18. This year I have seen so many Monarchs - a very welcome site! What magic!

  19. Carolyn, what a wonderful video! It's always so fascinating to watch as newly hatched butterflies straighten out their wings for the first time. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!

  20. Carolyn girl that was such a treat to see ! Absolutely stunning to watch this tiny miracle emerge and to look so beautiful .. I have my Swallowtail sleeping beauty in the fridge and I so hope it will emerge next Spring .. I'm so glad I saw this ! Thank you : )

  21. I have never before seen this process in person yet each time I see it on a blog I am still amazed and fascinated by it. What an incredible process and it's so wonderful you were able to enjoy it in person.

  22. That was amazing! Thank you for sharing such beauty with us. I never new how their wings spread out like that as they come out of the chrysalis. Truly a miracle!


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