
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rocky Mountain Solace to My Soul

I always find solace in quiet walks in the mountains.  
They speak to me of a divine creator. 

I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the Lord that made heaven and earth.
Psalm 121 

Surely John Muir must have understood this as well when he said:
"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.
 The winds will blow their freshness into you,
and the storms their energy,
while cares will drop off you like falling leaves."
                           ~ John Muir

Our recent trip to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado 
brought this very peace to my soul.

Eastward View from Vail

I feel refreshed and comforted.

Wildflower Blooming at 12,000 feet

And now I think it's time to post again.

 I've tried many times in the past several weeks,
but my heart was too heavy to let the words flow.

Sunshine Reflected in a Sweet Buttercup

I've missed my gardening friends, 
your sweet comments are always cherished.
(I've peeked in on a few of you and you've brought smiles.)

Wispy Leaves Catch My Eye

White Berry Blooms

Doesn't God Plant the Most Beautiful Blossoms?!

When a loved one passes from this life to the next, 
it takes a little time to heal the tenderness of the heart.

Walking through God's Gardens always brings solace to my soul. 



  1. I've been thinking of you and am glad to see you are feeling a little better. Thank God for His works, they bring me peace, too. Yes, it does take time to heal, and I'm glad you found some solace in the mountains.

  2. I'm not a religious person myself, but I understand why you might experience a sort of communion with God in such a landscape. Or, indeed, in any setting of nature. I, too, would feel solace at walking those mountains.

  3. I have been away from blogging for a while and did not know of your loss. I am so sorry. I am glad to hear you are finding solace. As you know from some of my posts I have had a hard time finding that solace. It is so important to take time for ourselves when we lose a loved one. I send you hugs, prayers and wishes for peace!!

  4. Get to the mountains! Amen. Learning to accept the crispy valley floor's beauty on its own terms, but it is wonderful to get up there and relish in the abundance and coolness of the green.

  5. Carolyn, we've missed you but understand the need to grieve and find peace and joy again. xxx

  6. To everything there is a season. The season of mourning is something we all must go through in our own way. I'm glad you've been comforted and are starting to feel better.

  7. I am very sorry you have experienced a loss and am glad you are starting the healing process and finding solace. May I extend my prayers and condolences. You have such a wonderful place on this earth to find your healing, the mountains are magical. I lived out there for a year and know personally how special they are. I am glad to see you posting again.

  8. Somehow, the majesty of those mountains make you feel closer to God; and He gives you a glimpse of Heaven while healing your heart and soul just a little bit at the same time. (You've been missed...)


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!