
Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Time to Remember the Beautiful Things

A sweet song from my childhood...

Rain falls
soft rain at my window
Every butterfly has hurried away
All the honeybees have called it a day
And the columbine are bending their heads in the rain.

Rain falls
soft rain making puddles
for the children's feet
the puddles are sweet
And the skater-bug fleet finds small pools a treat
And the columbine are bending their heads in the rain.

While the rain is falling there's a quietness about the world;
While the thunder is calling there's a quiet hush about the world
A time to remember the beautiful things,
To look for tomorrow and your fondest dreams...
Rain falls
soft rain through the tree boughs
Bringing ev'ning birds a quick friendly bath
washing afternoon dust from my wide garden path
And the columbine are bending their heads in the rain.

Rain  falls 
soft rain at my window
I will go outside where sleepy rain blows
Feel the wet on my face, feel the wet on my clothes
And like the columbine
I want to bow my head in the rain.

Today I'm remembering the beautiful things...


  1. A beautiful poem...thx for helping me out of my funk this weekend with your warm sentiments...I love your poetry!!

  2. I've never heard that song, but it is beautiful and makes me wish for soft rain!

  3. I too never heard the song, but it is timely. We finally got rain last night after a long month of it being dry. You should have had a video of the grandkids singing it!

  4. I sang this song with the Mormon Youth Chorus. I loved it then. Still love it. Thank you for reminding me. Maybe that's why I love the rain so much.

  5. Funny, I had this going through my head about a week ago... Maybe because I was thinking of you?
    I read Mamadoo's comment just now and was surprised: I thought YOU had written this song!? I remember when you taught it to me as a child and I thought I remembered that it was one you had written yourself. Sounds like maybe I'm wrong, but it still reminds me of you and makes me smile. :)

  6. Oh no, I didn't write this song. However, I did write my own piano accompaniment to it many years ago when I couldn't find the music anywhere. I'm so glad you all enjoyed the words. It lifted my spirits, too.

  7. So, so sorry to read of you loss in the last post....sweet post today.

  8. I love this post Carolyn .. there have been times that I have been alone in the garden when a gentle shower happens and it is almost thrilling with how good it feels with all of my senses .. the smell of the garden and earth .. the feel of the tiny drops of water .. I am in awe of it really .. there was an intense pink/orange sunrise that was also amazing to me this morning .. I never get tired of feeling nature to the bone : )

  9. What a beautiful poem and sentiment. The rain is definitely cleansing. I'm so sorry about your loss in your previous post.

  10. A lovely poem,best regard from Belgium, have a nice week end.

  11. You must be thinking of your mother. It does take one back to childhood. Those memories are for keeps. The song is also very lovely

  12. Steven R BringhurstJanuary 9, 2013 at 7:51 PM

    Thanks for reminding us of the beautiful things when it rains softly and I'm very glad to get the lyrics of my also childhood choir song which funny enough I remember many lines so of long ago.  Do you know where we can get the music or a choir who has sang it?

  13.  I remember hearing this song by a group of LDS young ladies who came from UT to Cumorah to volunteer for the pageant as I was doing in 1973 or '74.  It was so pretty I still remember it.   Part of it was done in a round.  I would love to hear again.  I wish some group would do it and put it on YouTube.


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