
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

You've Got to Have A Dream...

Remember the words to the song... 

♪ ♫ You've got to have a dream, if you don't have a dream... how you gonna make a dream come true? ♫ ♪

This is how we have built our beautiful landscape.  

For six years we dreamed of a beautiful Flagstone Patio where we could sit back and enjoy the beautiful landscape we had created. It was an essential piece of our Master Plan. We landscaped all around the spot where it would be, leaving it a blank canvas to be painted when our budget could afford it. We covered it with mulch and referred to it as our Someday Patio.

Ideally this feature would have gone in before the grass and flowers and trees. But sometimes you have to pick and choose your projects according to your budget. So we waited...

And then someday became a reality...

Our Someday Patio... a dream come true!

It was a labor of love working side by side with my dear husband and children. We designed the plan and then worked together to bring our plan to life. And now we enjoy the fruits of our labor!

Yes, I touched everyone of those stones... more than once!

It was like putting together a giant puzzle... stone by stone.

Come join me for the next several posts and we'll share how we created this beautiful patio by ourselves... if we can do this, surely you can too!



  1. My dream patio required large boulders, tree excavation and odd slopes. I'm glad I decided to bring in professionals for mine or it wouldn't have turned out as nicely like yours did.

  2. When we designed and planted the Master Plan, we left that space open for our patio. Out trees were already in place. (One of the joys of a Master Plan.) For six years we actually rolled out a carpet of fake grass over the dirt surface when we entertained so that friends wouldn't have to step in the dirt. You can imagine the cheers of joy when we finally completed the project.

  3. It's beautiful, Carolyn - how wonderful to be able to complete such a project with your family.

  4. I really love what you've done with the patio - I'm looking forward to seeing how you did it :)

  5. Lovely organic shape! And I really like the chairs... How great to do it together with your family.

    Have a lovely day!

  6. A gorgeous patio Carolyn! I remember when we installed our cobble patio at our last house...I'd touched every one of those cobbles, and so had my knees! My knees have never been the same, but there's a wonderful sense of satisfaction, sitting out on warm mid-summer afternoon with an iced tea, knowing we'd done it ourselves. Well done!

  7. I was quite proud of mine which were just square pavers! then I saw yours.... I cant imagine how you get all those uneven shapes and surfaces to look so wonderful and leven and even. Looking forward to the details.

  8. Such a labor of love for a spot you will love...we have a patio that we designed but could not install is my favorite place to be....there is something so relaxing about a patio...

  9. Your patio looks fantastic! I can't wait to see your upcoming posts on how you put it all together. Waiting can certainly be hard, but usually (hopefully!) the payoff is worth it. Also, love the South Pacific reference. :)

  10. That is definitely a dream garden, it looks like something out of a magazine. So beautifully kept, and colorful.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  11. I'm a real fan of DIY projects. Your patio is beautiful. I know you must be so proud of all the family's contribution.

  12. I am looking forward to reading your posts and learning from you! I've been dreaming of exactly the same thing, perfect timing. :)

  13. Carolyn, how I can relate to this post! Your dream certainly did come true, how gorgeous this is! And there's something so satisfying about doing the work yourselves, memories in the making for the children and time spent working with your loved ones. Hiring a job done gets it done faster, but there's more satisfaction in doing it yourself. Love it!

  14. Carolyn, your flagstone patio is beautiful! My husband and I joke that we are on the ten-year plan with our's been almost 9 years that we've lived in our home and we have so much more landscaping to do! I can relate with your patience so you can put in something unique instead of the typical concrete curbing and a few trees and shrubs.

  15. Your patio does look like a dream patio. It's beautiful.

  16. Carolyn - this is SO inspirational!

    Like you, my paver patio is on the +5 year plan. Fantastic idea to plant around the 'future' patio, so the plants mature in the meantime. I'm so looking forward to your upcoming posts!


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So glad you stopped by!