
Wednesday, April 6, 2011




  1. what a pretty photo - I believe you have caught the anticpation in the birds eyes.

  2. Wonderful photo! It can't be far off now!

  3. a lovely photo but it is a cruel joke at this point...spring has been teasing too much and we are a bit tired..warm up this weekend but will it last..

  4. Aw so sweet! Little Robin is wondering where all the worms are. Maybe they've gone sledding in the snow. LOL

  5. It is not coming in in a hurry is it? What a lovely picture. Poor Robins.

  6. Did it snow again?? Oh, goodness, this Spring has been so very elusive hasn't it? We have still got snowbanks yet, but no snow since last weekend. It will get here, we have to keep the faith.

  7. What a great photo, but poor, poor robin. Happened here too a few days ago, but now the robins are happy again.

  8. That snow sure is pretty, but the robin is prettier, and I hope that snow melts fast!

  9. I've always thought the springiest weather was melting snow--but I'm waiting for sun so I can enjoy the outside!

  10. Oh my this has been a long winter for all of you in snow country! I thought I had it bad today with rain and 55 degrees. I will pray for sunshine heading your way.

  11. I am just dying for spring! It's been SUCH a long winter. I got to sit in on a meeting with the various water managers in the State a few days ago. We'll have flooding for sure, it's just a question of where and how bad- no answers to that until the end of April. We NEED April to warm up and dry up!

  12. Spring seems to be slow everywhere. I don't ever remember it being so late here, in all of my life....

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams


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