
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Be Still and Know That I Am God

These little tulips have been waiting patiently to bloom.

When they finally open, they will be the first blooms 
of the year in our gardens.

I first noticed them emerging from the soil weeks ago. 
Then, last Sunday, after three glorious days of 70° temperatures,
the color popped.

Then came the snow, 

then sun,
then snow, 
and more snow,
then a few tiny rays of sunshine...
and now snow again.

So longing for those petals to open and to bask in the light of the warming sun.

A voice whispers in my heart:

Patience my dear child.
"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46

All things bloom on his timetable.
He is the keeper of the gardens.

I must remember that.


  1. So pretty and must be hardy too. I am sure spring will be here to say very soon.

  2. so true - I often have to hold back and enjoy the moment, since those moments pass by so quickly.

  3. What an exciting time.. Spring is slowly marching your way!

  4. The voice that whispers is the one worth the listen.

  5. One nice thing about snow and chill is that it will help the blooms to last longer. They look so pretty in the snow!

  6. Dear Carolyn, At last we are seeing some signs of spring! Patience is one of the most important virtues we learn as gardeners. I love your words in this posting. P x

  7. Carolyn, I know just how you feel and how hard it is to be patient sometimes. The best thing is to 'be still'--wonderful words of wisdom.

  8. And it's sunny again. Spring is awesome weather wise.

  9. Patience is a virtue, so the saying goes. And patience is something that I too must develop because I tend to be impatient when it comes to our plants blooming, just like my "Waiting for paradise" entry.

  10. Beautiful still and know that I am God...such an important reminder. Thank you.


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