
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thank You Dear Readers...

365 days ago This Grandmother's Garden began. 
The day was much like today...
snow on the ground, cold temps and a longing in my heart 
for Spring to arrive.

Today I re-post my very first post,
posted on March 9, 2010.
Turn your volume up and enjoy the music
from one of my favorite composers. 

Thank you dear readers...
 for your visits,
your sweet comments,
and your friendship. 

Without YOU, 
blogging just wouldn't be as much fun!

Music: "Hymn of Spring"
used with permission


  1. Goodness gracious! I knew you would have a grand beautiful garden, but oh la la! I can't wait to watch it come alive this spring...and oh those mountains in the background just took my breath away!!

  2. Happy Blogger-versary Carolyn - I hope the next 365 days are as much fun :)

  3. Congrats, what an accomplishment. Happy blogaversary.

  4. Congratulations! What a beautiful garden. Excellent video.

  5. Happy anniversary - I wish you many more.

  6. Carolyn, so glad we linked up as blogger friends. Maybe we can meet some day, since we're practically neighbors. One of my favorite hobbies is to tour gardens. I'd like to see your garden this year...when the snow has melted of course. Congratulations on your one year anniversary!

  7. What a beautiful garden you have, the video was so wonderfully done. Congratulations on your one year anniversary, what joy you have brought to the blogging community!

  8. Happy Anniversary! You've traveled a long, fast blogging road in one short year. Great site, great writing,great photos....most of all....A Great Attitude!

  9. Carolyn, congratulations on your blog's one year anniversary! I remember when I hit the one year mark, I was amazed at how much I'd had to say in the preceding 364 days, or that anybody listened ;) It is great fun though. Looking forward to the next 365!

  10. Congratulations! I have enjoyed your blog so much over this last year - every post has been a delight!

  11. Happy blog anniversary. Wow, that was your first post?!! I've been blogging 2 years, and don't know how to make a video like that! Your place is beautiful!

  12. That was a lovely start to the day. The garden is beautiful. Congratulations on one year of blogging. It is a wonderful medium for sharing the garden. Thanks for visiting mine.

  13. Congrats on your Blogiversary Carolyn. I have enjoyed your postings so much and I am looking forward to many more. Your garden is just beautiful.

  14. Happy Blogaversary! I love your header photo and signs of spring. Cheers!

  15. Many sincere thank you's for all your sweet comments! Looking forward to blogging for another year...


Welcome to my gardens!
Your comments are the sweet nectar that keeps me posting.
So glad you stopped by!