
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Forward!

If only it were that simple. 

Yesterday was the perfect day to work in my gardens. My honey and I spent the morning sprucing up the flower beds, clearing out the ravages of Winter to welcome the coming of Spring. TULIPS love popping through the soil into a clean garden. I'm quite certain it has been proven in some scientific study that debris free gardens bestow HAPPIER, BRIGHTER, longer lasting tulips... and more cheerful gardeners! At least that's what I convinced myself to think as I toiled in the garden yesterday. 

The BIRDS were happy to see us, they sang delightful melodies to keep us company. Our aging bones required stops every now and then to recharge and their sweet songs cheered us on. We made our mark, though there is still much to do... another fine day. Today, Sunday, we rest.

Besides the two inch tulips rising from the soil, we were excited to find a few places with emerging green as we pulled the dead branches from the perennial garden, and a few more swelling buds on the trees and shrub.  Now we just need a bajillion rays of SUNSHINE to wake up this sleepy place.

Today is the beginning of Daylight Savings Time in our Utah gardens. We move our clocks forward an hour each Spring, if we don't... we're late for church today and anything else we have scheduled for the next six months. In the the Fall we move the clocks back an hour. Fall Back.

Spring Forward! 

Wouldn't it be nice if it were as easy as changing the clocks?


  1. I am so glad to hear you were able to work in your gardens, and I had a good chuckle about tulips appreciating a neat and clean garden. I bet they do, too!

  2. Carolyn, You sure have a lot of movement on your new blog makeover! Lovely header photos but honestly I am getting a bit dizzy! I envy your being able to cultivate your garden. Now we have another hour to enjoy the daylight and work . . . when the snow goes away for us here that is. Have a lovely day of rest.

  3. I have to spend some time out in the garden to clean out the beds too!

  4. Nice slideshow. You have been itching for color and bloom too.

  5. Lovely flowers skipping is too wet here to do any cleaning of the beds but there is so much growing everywhere I look as the snow recedes, the growth emerges...can't wait for the first bloom...

  6. The day just flew by today with the time change. Great slide show. You have so many lovely blooms to look forward to.

  7. Dear Carolyn, I enjoyed this sunshiny posting! The colored words are very cheery. Glad you have been able to make a start outside ... it's too wet here, yet, but wont be long now. P x

  8. I always think it is easy to feel run off your feet trying to get everything done at this time of year, so doubly important to take time to enjoy it too. Enjoy your tulips and their pristine surroundings!

  9. Funny how we never mind falling back around our house, but springing forward elicits plenty of complaints! Enjoy weather warm enough to garden! Son and I got out yesterday to do some cleanup, so nice.


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So glad you stopped by!