
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Sleeping Giant... Time to Go to Work

We've known for some time this was going to happen, just didn't know it would be here so soon.

The sleeping giant awoke.
Part one of this story was posted here..

Now he's awake, he's got a job to do.

I watched as he ate the bridge.
Nothing but rubble left within 10 minutes.

This is how it all looked when I left my office window perch. 
Imagine me with the screen off the window, hanging out with my camera and pink pj's.

Today the dirt piles extend well beyond my view. I must admit feeling a bit melancholy as I watched that bridge come down. We've been looking at that bridge for almost eight years. But the project is finally becoming reality.

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Adjacent to our property is the Provo Reservoir Canal. While the water isn't within our view unless we walk the trail adjacent to it, we've delighted in the wildlife the water has beckoned. We have known since we first moved here that someday that canal would be covered. Someday has finally come. 

"The Provo Reservoir Canal, also known as the Murdock Canal, is 21 miles long and carries water from the mouth of Provo Canyon to the Point of the Mountain. It is one of the main water delivery arteries to the Wasatch Front and is the largest canal in Utah County.

Enclosing the canal:
               • Provides greater public safety
               • Improves water quality
               • Conserves approximately 8,000 acre-feet water per year
               • Provides instream flows to help with the recovery of the endangered June sucker
               • Allows for the development of a recreational trail along the enclosed canal

The canal will be enclosed with 126-inch steel pipe. Just one ring of this pipe weighs almost 1,000 pounds. Imagine trenching and connecting 21 miles of giant pipe and snaking it through a heavily populated area and you start to get an idea of the enormity of this project, which will have the capacity to carry over 400 million gallons of water every day. Wow, now that’s a lot of water!"

This project, while talked about for years, will be completed in the Spring of 2012, all 21 miles of it. The completion will bring wonderful improvements. It's actually quite nice to have a front row seat to all of the excitement.

♦  ♦  ♦

Yesterday late afternoon I was looking out the window at the site, no workers or machines in sight, they all had moved well down the road from my view. Quite suddenly I saw our two ducks, the same ducks in my mind that we've have enjoyed watching since we first moved here. They always fly together and land in the canal just past my thinking spot each Summer's night at dusk. This was my first sighting of them since last Fall. I watched as they flew east along where the canal once was for as long as I could see them. I wondered what they were thinking as they searched for their nesting place but only saw miles of covered pipline. Their nesting place has been destroyed. I felt gratitude that it wasn't quite Spring yet when their lives would be a flurry with nest building and laying eggs.

Last Spring I took pictures of the ducks and their babies in that canal. Did I know that would be the last time they would ever nest there? I'm sure they will find other places to nest, nearby there are several, but I will miss them. I wonder about the other little creatures along this 21 mile stretch that once called this area home. Where will they live? Did they have time to leave before the sleeping giant arrived? 

Next Spring we will have a new nature trail to enjoy. 
That will be nice... but I'll still miss my ducks.


  1. Actually, we're pretty mad about the way the canal was managed. My neighbor grew up on a farm along 146 that's still there. The canal company seized some of their water rights to pay for the canal and said they could buy them back once the canal is completed. And how do you feel about the prospect of having a trailhead running along your property now? At least you have fencing. My friend is having to look at install $1000s of dollars of fences along her stretch to keep people from trespassing.

  2. Isn't there always conflict of some sort when progress moves forward? Whether it be with my ducks losing their home or your friend with her concerns, we deal with it the best we can. We are blessed to live in an open neighborhood without fences that define and restrict, rather, here there are trails that run throughout inviting neighbors to enjoy gardens and friendships. This is the model for many of the neighborhoods in our city. We welcome neighbors to view our landscape as they enjoy the trails. Decorative fences are allowed that do not exceed 4 ft. but most favor the open-ness. That fence by the canal will come down when the work is done and we expect that this new trail will just add to the many trails that flow through our corner of the world. We really don't expect a deluge of people using our portion of the trail, just an occasional jogger, biker, roller-blader and then, mostly likely they'll be neighbors.

  3. Dear Carolyn, Knowing the (good) reasons for filling in the canal doesn't make it any easier to accept change. And the older I get, the more I hate change. But you seem to have a wonderful attitude about this, even though you are concerned about the ducks. Anything that encourages neighbors to come and share my garden is a positive for me. Keep us posted. P x

  4. Oh dear, this would make me very sad!

  5. You do have a good attitude about this. I'm afraid I wouldn't accept change very well.

  6. They all sound like good reasons to go ahead with the project. Protecting and conserving water is so important these days. It sounds as though you live in a great neighbourhood, and a walking/biking trail on your doorstep sounds like a bonus!

  7. So sad to read that the ducks will lose their home. You have a great outlook about all this change and I hope that it is all for the best.

  8. I thought about the critters that would lose their wild area as I was reading this...I do hope they will be able to find new areas...that is the problem sometimes and I guess why I installed a pond and meadow because in building our development, a lot of woods and meadow were taken again...

  9. I admire your positive attitude particularly about the fencing and not wanting to keep neighbors out. I think it is a sad world if we always live in fear of other people. I am sure that most people will be glad and appreciative to have the opportunity to admire your garden. I must say I would have mixed feelings about covering the canal. I would dearly really miss the ducks.

  10. Carolyn, your attitude is so positive and optimistic. I don't know that I could be quite as're a great example of grace. I'm going to miss your ducks too.


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