
Friday, March 11, 2011

Fresh Spring Attire

Feeling Blue?  I tend to feel that way when my heart is shouting SPRING!  but my gardens are still dressed in patches of snow. I need something to chase away those Winter blues.

It's no secret that Spring comes rather slowly in my Utah gardens. The coming is actually more of an ebb and flow that elicits much anticipation but also requires a fair amount of patience. I'm really good at anticipation... but the patience requires a bit more effort. 

To celebrate my anticipation AND to help me forget about my lack of patience, I've dressed my blog in Fresh Spring Attire... sort of the "if I build it, she will come" kind of attitude. Besides, I need to give myself a blogiversary gift, 365 days and counting.

So here we go... Spring will officially arrive in my gardens on March 20th at 11:31 pm.

Something tells me I won't notice a whole lot of change here. Seriously, there are more signs of Spring in this blog than there are in my gardens right now.  But that will change... SLOWLY.

Spring comes slowly  here... much patience required.

Be sure to visit Katarina at Roses and Stuff for more Feeling Blue posts.


  1. In my garden as well we are still everything is under puddles and patches of snow...that patience is hard to maintain but I do love the ebb and flow of spring...If I didn't say it already happen anniversary and I love the spring look of the blog...I have been thinking of redressing mine as well ..perhaps I will soon...I saw red-winged blackbirds finally here today and that is a sure sign that spring is here...the snow is not gone nor will it be until late May for sure but I know my garden will produce blooms soon...

  2. Spring is ever so slowly finding it's way here in NY. I am finding broken bushes under the slowly melting snow. I feel your lack of patience as I want to see flowers not snow.

  3. But your are preparing for it! It will be a much awaited sight when it does arrive.

  4. It is a little difficult visiting our southern gardening friend showing off spring bulbs when we northerners still have buckets of snow...

    Happy Blogoversary!

  5. I live (I think) less than an hour away...and the snow is almost all gone, my assortment of early spring bulbs are up, and the bees are even out. Combine that with the awesome warm weather and I'm thinking it is already spring. It's amazing what just a short distance does.

  6. Carolyn, any way to pass the time. I too was thinking a spring make over on the blog. It snowed here today and I too am running out of patience for the white stuff. Give me a little green!

  7. Oh, yes, I know just how you feel, we are having snow flurries again today. By the time we get to post pictures of flowers, all the southern gardeners will be bored with spring and onto summer blooms. All we have to do is hang on, it will get here!

  8. Carolyn, I was able to get outside today and plant my spring garden. I'm a little lower elevation than you, but not much. It felt so good to plant something. Now I wait with anticipation to see little green sprigs of growth!

  9. I was noticing how cool your blog is. I scrolled down to see if it was a blogger template. I like how wide it is, and you are able to have 3 columns, and still have room for larger photos. And, wow, you have a slide show for your header photo! Fancy!

    Yes, I'm with you on the anticipation, and not feeling so patient. Come on winter, give spring a turn!

  10. I can see my dear friend, that you are like a racehorse at the starting line, all ready for the race. So the makeover here on your blog is your training for the real makeover in your garden. Can't wait to see all my friends' spring make-over.


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So glad you stopped by!